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"I love you," I whispered. So quiet, I can't tell if you can hear. You didn't say it back and I can't tell if it's because you didn't hear or you're just choosing to stay silent. This love is hard, but the harder it is the better it will be in the end I have always been told. Is that true or am I just a pawn in a game? Ready to be sold. I can't have my heart broken, it will shatter me to pieces. I love you more than life itself and I just need you to be with me. I may seem clingy or obsessed and maybe that's true. But, does life even have purpose if it is not to spend it with you? I need us to be always or else I'll be broken. You're my one true love and I've never felt that way. Please don't  go, fight for us even if we are pieces. We can both beat a game a of chess if we try hard enough. We are equals in this relationship and I need you to fight too. I believe you truly are and I know you love me. But, why does this hurt so much? It doesn't make sense. You're perfect and so are we, so please, my lover, just don't go away.

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