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Previously izuku encountered some new fellows,that had caused him to be very surprised by the characters,his trust issue was just increasing ,especially with dazai,speaking of him,we now see the 2 in a park with police everywhere


In the middle was a man dead with saliva dripping from his mouth,this scene surprised izuku for how caring dazai actually was

Dazai: damnit,if only i was there sooner......WE COULD HAVE COMITTED DOUBLE SUICIDE!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAIT YOU DEAD FUCKER!!!!

Or maybe not so caring after all

Police:*to izuku* is..Something wrong with your friend here?

Izuku:the truth,i don't even know,erm mr.dazai i think we know do our job?

Dazai: OH YEAH RIGHT THE JOB!!...sorry so mr.policeman tell me what is the situatuion

Policman:b-but i already told you both

Dazai:really,then repeat ,go onj prove it

Policman:*sigh* a couple of weeks ago 3 peoples where mysteriously found dead and drowned,however there are no river anywhere so nobody could be drowned ,today this is the 4th victim

Izuku:is there anything that could connect him with the other victim?

Policeman:yes*hand him tablet* they were all well dressed like if they went to a party,the victims are attorney,salarymen and doctors ,this one was a bank worker,we looked for stuffs on them but they are clean,no drug deal,murder,money problem ,fraud,they were innocent

Izuku:'they were all very well payed and nice peoples ,who would wish to kill somone like them?'

While izuku was thinking to himself dazai broke the silence

Dazai: they weren't just killed,they were robbed

The police and izuku saw dazai laying on the ground near the body

Dazi:look at his wrist,it is white,it was not the same color as the rest of his skin,it means he had a watch*take the dead wallet* and his wallet is empty,no cash,no credit car,id or anything like that,why would he go all handsome but take nothing with him?


Izuku: 'he is right,!!ah!!'

Izuku checked back the tablet and saw the pictures of the others dead victims ,and it'S the same there is white marks on his body ,either a ring,a watch or something other valuable

Dazai:what i think is that somone is hungry for money,no correction,he is jealous,sir do we know where these guys were before?

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