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"I HATE history!" Exclaimed Reina as she dropped a pile of books on the library table they were sitting at, almost crushing Lucas' finger.

"What did the table ever do to you?" Liam asked as he stared at the stack of ancient text,

"Our history teacher gave us an assignment to write an essay on magical objects from our planet," Star explained "Reina's mad because this means we have to look at the same old history books from the library in Celestial."


"Anyway, I think I'm going to do my essay on the crown of Alta. What about you guys?" She asked

"I'm going to do my essay on the twin armlets!" Lena answered excitedly,

"Of course YOU would do an essay on the exact artifacts that we use." Reina rolled her eyes, "You're boring."

"What's THAT supposed to mean?!"

So far this year, the twins have nearly destroyed their dorm room twice with their clash of elements, if the school hadn't been protected by magic, their room would've been in ruins. Even if the school is blast proof, it's not sound proof. So everyone else in the dorm barely gets any peace and quiet while the twins are arguing.

"What are they fighting about today?" Cherry asked as she and Astrid approached the group with stacks of books on swords.

"Never mind what they were fighting about, we were talking about our essays. What are you guys going to research?" Aqua said, carefully changing the subject.

"I'm researching the sword of Death and Cherry's researching Soul-taker." Astrid replied, "we're going to her room to research, so if I'm not at our dorm I might be spending the night at Cherry's."

"Okay." Star said while looking at her schedule.

"You know, y'all seem to spend a lot of time together, what's up with that?" Lena remarked,

"Oh! Um- Well- We k-kinda bonded after the arena... y'know?" Astrid stuttered.

"Hmmmm, okay." Lena stated, suspision seeping into her voice,

"ALRIGHT! We're gonna go to my room and study bye!" Cherry blurted, she grabbed Astrid's wrist and they both walked out.

"Anyone else think there's something going on with them or is that just me?" Lena asked, she's always had a knack for these things, she also usually right.

"I think that it is not our business." Aqua responded as figure suddenly loomed over her.

"Hey cousin!" A person with hair the same ocean blue as Aqua's announced.
   "Lacus! It's nice to see you!" Aqua exclaimed, looking at the person, she introduced everyone to the person who was her cousin and used they/them pronouns. Their name was Lacus Lake, and they are apparently one year older than the rest of the group. After introductions, Lacus helped some of the people in the group find the right books.

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