Part 1: Waves Heading North

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A shimmering cascade of moonlight shines on the glimmering grasslands of AlgaPo Fields, a sacred area of the dominant civilization, The Wakyr.

In this land, all warriors are initiated at birth and accepted as part of the tribe, but this honor is not for the forsaken, the cursed ones.

Our tale starts on a young Wakyr's initiation, this required the blessing of the village elder as they are seen as the wisest. But as the village elder, Quiliki, initiates the young Wakyr, she declares " Cursed! This one is Cursed!!" Quiliki refuses to initiate the child. The child's father, Rowona, takes the child and is told to kill the child, at the price of being exiled from the village. Rowona, without hesitation, chooses his child and leaves the village.

Rowona raises his son, who he chooses to name Baski. At a young age, Baski is showing remarkable agility through survival in the harsh forests and dangerous and diverse wild animals that inhabit them.

Baski, at age 8, asks of his father " Father, I see the other kids at the village with weapons and I want..." But Rowona says " No, you know what they think we are, but you do need professional weapon training" Baski jumps around in excitement and anticipation. Baski is given the choice of weapons and he chooses the bow and arrow, though needing much training.

Baski, now age 15, returns from a hunting escapade with the spoils of his victory, but he can't help stealing glances at the village children as they prepare for The Choosing, a sacred ceremony for all adolescent warriors to be brought into adulthood. Baski can't help but longingly glance at them. Despite his father's teachings, Baski can't bring himself to view the villagers in a bad light.
Baski finds himself walking to the village, but Rowona stops him, with a stern voice, he says " What have I told you about going near the village!?"
Baski, with a hint of frustration says " Father, You've always told me of stories of The Choosing, I don't understand why I can't be like them!" Rowona reels him in by saying " You are not like them! You are.."
Unable to finish his sentence, Baski says "What? A curse!?" And storms off. Rowona shouts his name, but Baski ignores him out of frustration.

That night, Rowona's words echo through Baski's head. "I'm not like everyone else.." Baski quietly says to himself, he glances at The Choosing Hall and says "We'll see about that.." as he runs to the village.

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