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A MAID ALMOST SHOOK HER UP. Feeling sorry for herself in an incomprehensible apology because of the babbling, Maela watched her escape, static. Suffice to say that she did not expect this schéma, but close to the rooms of Aegon, no surprise to that.

Sighing, the princess penetrated inside, without bothering to announce herself and observed her brother, naked as a poor worm, his hair in battle with a simple blanket partially covering him.

— You are a true gujat with only sixteen days of names... I would rather not even imagine the rest.

— And you are a true sinner with only a fortnight's worth of names... What would mother say, her so innocent daughter, if she knew what you were doing ?

— My activity makes me a saint beside yours.

The princess approached the bed where Aegon was half lying down and settled at the edge of it, a small smile on her lips.

— Your hair are so voluminous,  she began by passing her hand through it. You should cut it, long, so it really doesn't suit you.

— Argh, isn't it the tradition to have long hair ? said the boy.  Father could yell at me for cutting it.

— Tss... who cares what he thinks. He do not love us and is only interested in us when it has benefited him,  whispered Maela with tight teeth.

Aegon, lying in bed, grabbed his younger sister's hand. Their father, King Viserys, cared only for his first child, neglecting the others he had with his second wife. Even forget them from the moment he saw his dear Rhaenyra.

The prince observed the pensive and distant face of his sister.

— Have you painted lately ?

Aegon's question remained unanswered but offered him everything he needed to know. Not long ago, the princess was so happy to present one of her works to their father. But the latter had barely laid his eyes on it when he turned to Rhaenyra, entering the room.

— You said it yourself, who cares what he thinks ? Keep painting and don't stop just because he didn't even take a look.

— Have you seen Daeron ?  cut the girl.

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