The Ghost

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Y/N L/N was taken when she was fifteen by Hydra. With the serum she was turned into an assassin, to kill off the enemies. Because, who would every expect a teenage girl? She was called The Ghost for her ability to go unseen before killing. Of course, she had no choice in it.

Bucky Barnes, who most of the time was known as The Winter Soldier, looked after her. He couldn't do it very well, he couldn't protect her from the traumas of Hydra and of having blood on your hands. He himself could barely keep up with being in his own mind to becoming the winter soldier. But the few times over those decades that he was himself he took notices and did his best to help in subtle ways. It always felt so wrong that she was there, locked in a cold prison until her next mission, her next injection of serum.

After decades of service Bucky's best friend, Steve Rogers, saved him. Together, along with the Avengers, they took down Hydra. And since that day he has been searching for The Ghost, who had so easily disappeared since the end of Hydra. He had no clue if they somehow still had her, and if there was any chance to find her, but he had to try. She was the only one left from the program besides him, the others all killed in combat.

There had to be a way for him to give something back, to save someone after killing so many. He enlisted the help of Natasha, since she grew up as a killer too. The assassin's worked together to find her, to save her before it was too late, before someone else got their hands on her. They wanted to give her a life they couldn't have. If only the knew how impossible that would be.


This is just the first taste of this massive storie I have constructed. A lot of the plot will be changed and after Y/N's back story it's going to get a lot less serious. Now, I'm going to ask a question every chapter for fun. What's a random fact about yourself?

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