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A/N: All credit goes to CanDoAttitudesNTL

*Line Break*

After a long day of training in Atlas, Teams RWBY and JNR walked to the cafeteria for some dinner.

"Hey, kids!" came Harriet's voice from behind them.

The two teams turned around to see the Ace Ops running up to them.

"Oh, hey guys," Yang greeted. "What's up?"

"Y'all heading to the cafeteria, right?" Elm asked.

"Yeah, we just finished up training," Ruby replied, "so we're gonna eat, take our showers, and then go to bed."

"Well cancel those plans," Clover told them. "The General wants to see all of us."

"What, right now?" Weiss asked in shock.

"Yeah, whatever it is, it spooked him good," Vine replied in a concerned tone.

Teams RWBY and JNR looked at each other, concern written on their faces.

*Line Break*

Meanwhile, in General James Ironwood's office, the General, Winter, Penny, and Qrow were looking at something.

"So we have no idea who sent this?" Qrow asked.

"No return address, no names, nothing," Winter replied. "Just addressed to the four of us, Teams RWBY and JNR, Mr. Pine, and the Ace Operatives."

"Damn, I hate it when we have barely anything to work with..." Qrow muttered.

"You and me both..." Penny agreed.

Just then, the door opened, revealing Teams RWBY, JNR, Oscar, and the Ace Operatives.

"Ah, good," Ironwood greeted. "You're all here."

"What's going on, sir?" Clover asked.

"This," Ironwood replied, gesturing to the thing on his desk.

Everyone looked on the desk, seeing that the thing Ironwood, Winter, Qrow, and Penny were looking at was some kind of device.

"This device came in a package addressed to all of us," Ironwood explained. "No return address, no names, not even a hint of where it came from."

"Do we know what it does?" Oscar asked with curiosity.

"No, we do not," Winter replied. "We're waiting for Dr. Polendina to get here to analyze it."

"When did you inform him?" Elm asked.

"Just a few minutes ago," Ironwood replied.

Unbeknownst to the group, however, Nora had walked over to the device and began messing around with it.

"So for now, no one is to mess with it," Ironwood ordered.

"We'll keep that in mind, s- NORA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Ruby shouted.

"Huh?" Ironwood asked dumbly, slowly turning around.

Much to everyone's horror, but mostly unsurprised exasperation, Nora activated the device.

"Okay, in hindsight, one of us should've kept an eye on her," Marrow pointed out.

"We really have to start putting a bell on that girl," Qrow sighed tiredly.

Next thing anyone knew, the device turned on, extending some kind of small rod from the top. A flat, blue light emitted from the rod, and scanned the room. Once it had finished scanning, the light turned off.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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