Supply run

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Me and Lucas spent the next two weeks looking for the supply closet and memorizing the guard routes for the guards that walked by the way to the room. We decided to keep this from the group because if it failed, we didn't want the rest of them getting in trouble too. Me and Lucas were sitting at our lunch table, waiting for the guard to make his last check before the shift change. He looked around and then walked back into the guard's office for the shift change. When the door closed, I made my move.

I dashed over to the hall and followed the path to the storage room. Every time we were taken to the elevator, the guards walked us past the map of the whole prison. I assume they used to be stricter with how they handled us but after around 20 years, anyone would get lazy. I ran through the halls taking the turns needed and I saw the sign for the supply closet.

I ran over to the door and the worst thing ever happened. The door was locked. Of course, these guys are so incompetent that they walk us by a map of the prison, but they remember to lock the supply closet. Why wouldn't they?

"Hey!" I heard from behind me. I turn around and a guard is standing there.

"Uhhhh, hi?" I say and I take off running. I don't know why I ran. It's not like he didn't know who I was. But it was just instinct. Eventually he was able to corner me, and he took me up to my cell. He tossed me in and said, "I bet a week alone will set you straight." and he slammed the door shut.

Those were the worst 7 days of my life. You may think it couldn't have been that bad, but you have no idea what it was like. I wouldn't even see the guards when they brought me food. They would just open the hatch and slip in a tray of food and leave. I felt like I was going crazy. After the 7th day I almost gave the guard a hug when he opened it to bring me to breakfast. After breakfast I went to the yard and was bombarded with questions from the rest of the group. Mainly Gwen and Jay.

"Guys I promise it was nothing. I just got into a little trouble with one of the guards and he got mad." I spoke. I couldn't let them know about the vent. Especially Jay. He would probably try and break the vent open and get more solitary than me.

"What exactly did you do?" asked Jake.

"Uhhhh, I bumped into him. He was probably having a bad day."

"You bumped into a guard, and he gave you a week of solitary for it." he said skeptically. "Luke, Nate, come with me." so me and Lucas walked away from the group to talk in private. Jake leaned against the wall and sighed and said, "Luke told you about the vent, didn't he?"

"We have vents? Where?"

"Yeah, he told you. Luke, I told you to leave that thing alone. It's going to cause nothing but trouble for the group."

"No, it won't Jake. Nate couldn't get the screwdriver but maybe I could. You know how fast I am." said Lucas.

"It won't matter. I got to the room, but the door was locked."

"Then I'll pick the lock when I get there, I don't know."

"Lucas, do you even know how to pick a lock?" asked Jake.

"No, but I can learn. Someone here must know how to pick a lock. They just have to teach me." Lucas was starting to sound more panicked.

"No Luke, you need to stop. This can only end badly. Why do you so badly need to get to this vent?"

"So, we can escape. It's our ticket out."

"No. That's not the reason. What is the real reason?"

"That is the real reason. Trust me."

"Just tell me the actual truth."

"I WANT TO SEE MY SISTER!" Lucas yelled loud enough for the whole yard to hear. Everyone went silent and turned around to look at us.

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