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    There had been an uninterrupted silence that, unnoticed, was unbroken, until Chewy, the ever curious, asked, "what do the birds do when it rains?"
    "They just nest, I think." Red found the question unimportant, and was trying to memorize various specifics of general history.
    "But, the ones not around a nest?"
    Frenchie opened the window and lit a cigarette.
    "They just find cover until it's over.", Red persisted.
    Chewy and fritz seemed to ponder this.
    "Don't you have more important shit to try to figure out?' red, mildly annoyed.
    "No, actually that's what I've been kind of thinking of all day."
    It had rained. That was an understatement. When Red woke up around 6 the downpour from last night had yet to placate. Fritz had already been up, and told him classes were cancelled, and they would all have to shelter in place in their respective houses. Red and fritz immediately went downstairs to Frenchie and chewys room.
    Frenchie, was never partial to storms. He had been up since the previous night and found the early morning visit alleviated a bit of his anxiety. Chewy had slept through it all, and was just joining them in the living room when he asked about the birds.
  Fritz from the moment he found that giant unabridged anthropology of bullshit book, had been asking the most obscure questions about things red neither knew, or cared about. "Doyouthink-gorgonsreallyhadsnakesfor, hair?" "Why does a sphinx ask riddles" Red would shrug and go back to whatever he had been doing. This question and answer shit was for the birds.
  Chewy entertained these questions today though.
  "So salamanders, are basically lizards, that spit fire." Chewy summed up
  "No, theyre-fireelementals"
  "What's a gorgon again?"
  Chewy sat on the sofa,  Deep in thought. Frenchie had taken a sip from his coffee and was currently scalding his tongue.
  "So it's more then one?"
  Fritz often told chewy (or anyone he thought wasn't in on it) his conspiracy theories. There was diametric reaction here.
  Chewy usually just took the side contrary of whatever fritz was making theories about and  try to debunk fritzs entire argument. He often ended up successful, to everyone except fritz. However that must have become cliche because now chewy would try to flesh out fritz tangentially at best related ideas and support fritz in his always futile attemps to explain what he thought was happening. But this was different from that too. Chewy seemed to sincerely enjoy the subject and there was no jocularity in his tone at all. Red took a repose from his studying and nonchalantly eavesdropped.
  "So what happens if a gorgon looks at another gorgan??" Chewy asked
  Fritz shrugged. Chewy continued to run it over in his head, took a sip of Frenchies coffee, cursed as he scalded his tongue.
A week later while they sat finishing homework, except chewy who assured them he would do his at breakfast, he suddenly turned to fritz and said "immunity!"
Fritz, had no idea what he was talking about.
"If a gorgon, sees a gorgon, nothing happens, they the same type of monster, so they have a natural immunity." Chewy said.
"Wrong." Fritz concluded. "Medusa's reflection turned her into stone, so that can't be right."
Chewy began biting his fingernail as he sat back, applying the new information.
"Why the hell don't you just go read about it, fritz has the monster book, y'all are talking about monsters, why the hell are y'all just sitting around here guessing. That's like the dumbest shit I've ever heard." Red snapped.
"Well, you forget alot of things. So you probably just don't remember anything dumber this is just the most recent" chewy said, as Frenchie who was at the window behind red silently shook his head for chewy to just shut up.
"Hey Frenchie short me." Chewy said heading to the window.

>[The sous chef]
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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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