Prolouge 💙

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Arachnea’s heart raced as Xero’s intense gaze locked with hers, sending a shiver down her spine. His large hands were gentle upon her waist, a grounding presence in the whirlwind of her emotions.

“Look at me, princess,” Xero’s voice commanded softly, a plea she found herself powerless to disobey.

Tears clouded her vision, and her voice was but a whisper, “Xero, please… I can’t.”

With a tenderness that belied his firm grip, Xero brushed away a tear, offering silent comfort with a soft kiss upon her forehead. Yet, the words she longed to express remained unspoken, too raw and vulnerable for the world to hear.

Austin’s voice vibrated against her ear, “Tell us how much you love us, how you crave our touch, our love.”

She sought refuge in Austin’s embrace, her body trembling as she leaned into his solid chest. His hold on her shoulders was a gentle anchor amidst the tempest of her feelings.

“Why? Don’t you want us too?” Zach’s voice was heavy with emotion, his searching eyes locked onto hers, seeking an answer she could not find within herself.

Cole’s voice cut through the silence, firm yet reassuring, “Sweetheart, don’t overthink it. We can wait. But remember, you’re ours. We don’t share. You belong to us, just the six of us, understand?”

His command carried a promise of their unwavering presence, just for her.

Brian’s deliberate words echoed his twin’s sentiment, “Listen carefully and remember.”

Caleb, the silent sentinel, offered her a steady gaze, a beacon of certainty in the chaos. When he spoke, his conviction was clear, “You are ours, Arachnea. Ours to love, to cherish, and to be with in every way that matters.”

Their collective affirmation was both a challenge and a thrill. She belonged to them, a truth that calmed her fears and ignited a passion within her, marking the beginning of an extraordinary bond.

This is a reverse harem, which means, a romance story that involves multiple love interests of 3 or more men with one woman.


Mary Joye.

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