chapter 6 - trying to find a cure

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After finding out you were obliviated, the Slytherin boys quickly realize that you've lost all memory of them. They can't accept the fact that you forgot your feelings for them, so they do everything in their power to find a cure.

On the outside, the boys may look fine, but on the inside, they feel like they're falling apart. This is how they deal with the situation...

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Draco Malfoy

Draco only visits you at the infirmary for short periods of time - he can't bare you not recognizing him anymore. He speaks with Madam Pomfrey on the daily though, always asking her for updates on your health, and your memory. It's safe to say that he's disappointed every time there's no progress. "That's not good enough", he murmurs quietly. 

He completely loses his appetite and his friends literally have to force him to eat. You were the last thing to make him feel whole, and he feels like he's on the brink of a depression.

After some time, he even asks his mother for advice after she found him crying in his room. Draco searches the entire restricted section of the library for books on memory loss. He stays awake every night to read up on the obliviate spell, and begins to neglect his homework.

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Mattheo Riddle

Mattheo comes by the infirmary regularly but keeps a distance as you do your exercises for memory restoration. He's scared out of his mind that you're never gonna remember him. And yet, he still wants to see you, no matter how much it hurts him.

He only gets it together when you're around, on the inside he just feels numb and breaks off contact with all his friends. After class, he always sits by himself or in his room. It feels like he's mourning his future because all he ever wanted was to be with you.

Trying not to give up hope, he sometimes fears it's all a lost cause. He even tries to get information out of his father, to find out more about the person who took your memory. Spoiler: he fails miserably & ends up in the infirmary himself. He'd never tell you the reason though, still wanting to protect you.

He secretly bribes the best students to find out more about curing memory loss during the times he's with you and cannot research himself.

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Theodore Nott

Theo feels like he'll only survive this situation if he stays intox!cated, so he falls back into bad habits: he starts drinking again and gets into fights all the time. He's always in a bad mood (and doesn't hesitate to let it out on others).

He's so angry at himself and the world, that he even stopped visiting you after you got scared of him (he was drunk out of his mind that day). He feels like he lost all connection to you.

That's why Theo literally begs Snape to try create a potion with him to cure your memory loss. Since he's one of the top students in his class, Snape agrees. It's still a surprise to Theo that the Slytherin house teacher agreed but he took the chance immediately. 

They stay up late every night to try out different mixtures, and get more and more frustrated in the process.

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Lorenzo Berkshire

Enzo sits by your bed every day, telling you stories about the past, and even invites your roommates to help him out. He shows you photos of your last years at Hogwarts.

During the day, he tries to look composed, but he secretly cries himself to sleep almost every night. Enzo finds solace with his friends, and gets surprisingly close with Pansy and Astoria.

He becomes Madam Pomfrey's right hand because he's always at the infirmary. "Might as well help." He still has hope that you'll get better eventually and celebrates every little progress you make.

After some time, you begin to trust him and become friends (again). He regularly gathers his friend group at the library to find out more about curing memory loss.

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Pansy Parkinson

Pansy becomes as b!tchy as she once was and is super rude to everyone, even towards her friends. She tries to visit you at the infirmary regularly, but gives up most of the times because she's too impatient and wants to see more progress.

She yells at people if they look at her the wrong way (which happens on the daily). Secretly, she visits your dorm some days to look at old photos of you two. She fears that she'll never get close to you again.

After bribing multiple third years to research about reversing the obliviate charm, she's on a mission to find the person who took your memory. She follows every lead (so far, she's made very little progress though) and gets angrier by the day.

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Tom Riddle

Tom tells himself you have better chances of remembering when he isn't there with you. Secretly, he cannot bear the thought that you're scared of him now (you were the only person who could see right through him in the past).

He ferociously searches the restricted section of the library to find anything & everything on the forgetfulness charm. He believes curing you is the only way to get you back.

That's why he even visits Nockturn Alley regularly in hopes of finding out more about the person that took your memory. He doesn't deem the others competent enough to find a cure so he researches himself every night.

He's cold all the time, but wakes up drenched in sweat during the night, still having nightmares about you being t0rtür3d. To him, it feels like his biggest fear came true: the one person who saw him for what he really was forgot him.

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Will the boys recover from seeing you obliviated, and succeed in finding a cure?  

And will your relationship ever be the same as before?

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