Evil Intentions Have Consequences!

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A/N: Played about with the timeline of some of the deaths! I also added a few of my own xx Any children or young adults badly hurt have the chance to redeem themselves, if they truly want to that is xx Alexis xx                                                                    

Halloween 1989

Her tragedy of a life had started at the tender age of two. It was on a Halloween night which would be like no other so far, in the little town of Forks, Washington. As always her mother and father were fighting over everything and nothing. Little Isabella Swan, known as Bella just wanted them to stop it! But she, of course, could do nothing about it. This time her mother, Renee as she insisted Bella call her, was yelling they were leaving Forks forever. Bella was sitting on the floor playing with a pumpkin one of her father's co-workers had made for her. Mr Pumpkin wasn't pretty, he wasn't carved very well at all, but Bella had been happy to have him. She was happy to receive any gifts; they were few and far between. Things for her were not high on her parents' list. Charlie Swan had brought him home and dumped him by the front door, not even giving his daughter her gift.

It really wasn't the best-looking pumpkin, but it was nowhere near as ugly as it would become as the years progressed. With every year that passed the very unusual pumpkin would get uglier and uglier.

"I'm leaving you and this deadbeat one-horse town and I'm taking Isabella with me!" Renee had yelled at her husband,

"Over my dead body! Why would you want to take her? You don't even like her. You just want the child support, so you can waste it on yourself!" Charlie yelled back forgetting he wasn't that interested in her either,

Bella had shuffled over to the bottom of the stairs with her pumpkin held firmly in her little arms as her mother laughed at her father and that's when it happened. The world as they all knew it was about to change drastically and forever. Renee was heading Bella's way going to pack she said, when Charlie threw the pot of boiling water in his hands at her! But she jumped aside and it was Bella and Mr Pumpkin who took the brunt of the scalding water. The screams rang out from the house scaring the neighbours and bringing trick-or-treaters running. Renee and Charlie Swan stared at each other for several moments as their daughter's scalp and face basically peeled off her head. Making up a spur-of-the-moment lie that would lead them both to their deaths! They lied to everyone that night, saying Bella had pulled a pot down off the stove on top of herself and because he was a young rookie cop nobody doubted their story.

Renee had then gone on to threaten to report Charlie if he tried to stop her from leaving, but he could keep the grotesque little freak now, she sneered at him!

Halloween 2005

"Hey Mr. Pumpkin, if you're back it must mean it's his time to die? I'm eighteen now and he's the one that started this whole thing sixteen years ago. I guess it's time to get the hell out of Forks!" Bella said to the most monstrous, discoloured and badly carved pumpkin anyone had ever seen,

It was now her eighteenth year in Forks and this reign of terror was about to end. She was no longer scared of Mr. Pumpkin, as she had initially been as a small child. Over the years he had become her only confidant, almost a friend to the poor, lonely girl. One she looked forward to seeing each Halloween. Every year he reappeared and someone usually died someone who had been mean during the year to the tragically disfigured Bella Swan. At first, everyone had thought it was just random scary occurrences and it could never be proven otherwise. But one person most Halloweens was hurt or died and the townspeople were rightly terrified with each progressive year. Bella herself was never involved in the accidents, but people started being nicer to her after the first few deaths.

You Are One Ugly Pumpkin! (Mr Pumpkin Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now