chapter one

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   Deep in the land of Kranjuak, there is a kingdom called Gestyan. Living in the kingdom is Kreyon, King and ruler of all Kranjuak. He lives in a protected castle, along with his wife and daughter, the only heir to the throne.

  The air I breathed was crisp, as it always is. I could see the wind carry the fluffy snowflakes from my view at the vanity. It was going to be a boring day. Already, I could see the colorful trees beginning to turn to corpses. I've always adored the seasons spring, summer, autumn, especially winter. When the wind swooshes the freshly fallen flakes, carrying them across the sky.

  Today, my mother expected me to sit inside all day re-reading a lesson on some war that happened because of a self-centered leader. I understand why she worries for our land. It's just that today is the perfect day for exploring. This is when the animals get their winter coat white. I simply can't not go out today. Soon it will be too cold and frigid to be out long enough for adventure. Crossing to the full-length mirror, I admire the perfect white lace of my corset, the beautiful embroidery that some seamstress had to dedicate their afternoon to. I throw over my heavy cloak that smells of oak and pine. Quickly braiding my auburn hair and clasping leather straps to my waist, I placed a few daggers and attached my pouch. slinging my bow and quiver across my back, I begin the descent down.
Three years ago, my mother insisted I move my bedroom to the east wing, the one furthest from the gates. Her attempt to keep me where I should be, safe and away from danger, where my responsibilities live. To her disdain, this has done absolutely nothing to keep me in.
Now I also have the skill of climbing very high walls, with the help of my daggers it isn't too difficult to get down safely.
The only sound above the ice crunching when switching to different footholds is the soft sound of snowfall. Honestly, I am grateful for the change of location of my room, it has opened more windows of freedom than my mother would like. It was because of this change I met my love for riding, horseback riding, one practice I never was taught. Lots of trials and errors took place before I learned how to properly mount and tack a horse. Most of my first joy rides had been done bareback-
As I sprinted to the stables, I was lucky enough to find a window of absence from workers; Carmin, my favorite riding horse, neighs in greeting. He is 11 years old and craves adventure as much as I do
''Shh, I am not in the mood to be caught red-handed''. I whisper.
"You ready for a ride?'' crossing to the tack room, I grab his saddle and reign.
Truly, I'm not as sheltered and protected as one may think from my actions. My parents have always encouraged me to learn more physical skills. They made sure I was properly trained in combat, and through that I learned I should avoid getting into a sword fight. Some days seem to call extra loudly for something more than just a dusty text on the art of war.
The sound of tightening leather fills the stable air, slipping my boot through the stirrup we start toward the woods.

     By the time I had returned Carmin, the sun had begun to set. The stones were no longer dry, to climb them would be very dangerous. With a light sigh, Evelyn knew she had to use a different entrance. Before she had moved to the East wing she would frequently use servant passageways to gain entrance. However that was before her parents tightened her leash, now any worker who saw her had orders to inform her parents as soon as possible. Slipping across, she hid herself in the shadows, for it is not uncommon to see guards patrolling the grounds. All those lessons she had been given on stealth came in handy. Thankfully, I am a very observable person, earlier I had overheard my maids talking of the new dinner hours. Because of the seasons change dinner is to take place an hour earlier than normal. This gives me less of a chance to get caught if I avoid dinner quarters and nearby hallways. The door clicked as I gently pulled it open. The hall was dead silent, not liking the fact I was using it to sneak in. I've always hated the way winter casts a frigid feeling over the castle.
''Almost there" the words passed under my breath.
I made the last turn and began scaling the stairs that led to my corridors. I sucked in my breathe as I closed the door to my room. "crap"
"that is not how a young lady should talk" my mother stated.
Turning, I greeted ''hello, mother''.
"Do I even want to know where you were?"
"what on earth were you thinking? You, of all people, you certainly know the dangers that lie outside these walls''.
"Do I need to remind you of the events, that took place here three months ago!''
Hanging my head "I'm guessing my response won't change yours"
Raising her hands, she used her stern queen voice. "Those men were here to kill you! How they were able to overpower us is beyond me. But the last thing I need is for some guard to find your dead body in the woods because you felt like going on some adventure!"

"Evelyn,'' I could visibly see her intake of breath; I knew she was controlling her words. ''Your father and I need you here with us. We cannot risk the future of our land, I tried to tolerate your absence on occasion however this is too dangerous. Please, dear, you cannot go on these outings, not when there is such a risk.''

''A week from today we are hosting a masquerade, in honor of the new season. Your father and I expect you to be on your best behavior, the people need a reminder who you are, that you are not shaken from the attack.''

With that, she left.

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