21 1 0

"WINK!" Phoenix exclaimed as she entered the bar, which was empty. Wink looked up from the cup he was drying. "What got you all excited kid?" He asked. Phoenix sat at a stool at the bar.  "Guess who got a job?" she asked. "Well done kid. What's the job?" Wink asked, pouring Phoenix a glass of orange seltzer. "Mechanic. For none other Captain Amelia Smollot," Phoenix answered, taking the drink.

"Wow. Well don't kiddo," Wink congratulated. "Thanks," Phoenix said. "When are you leaving?" Wink asked. "How did you know I was leaving?" Phoenix questioned. "Well, you're working for a captain. I would assume you'd be working on a ship," Wink answered. Phoenix shrugged. "I leave tommorow," she answered.

There was a sound of glass falling. The two looked over to see a tiny dragon on the shelf. "Willow!" Phoenix exclaimed. She ran over to the shelf and grabbed Willow. "I thought I told you to stay in your room," Phoenix said. Willow cooed and nuzzled her tiny snout into Phoenix's hand.

"That little thing has been causing so much chaos," Wink informed. Willow yipped at him. "Well, there's a disagreement," Phoenix said.

Wink mumbled something before going to the back to grab a broom. Phoenix giggled before putting Willow in her satchel. Willow poked her tiny head out and chirped. "Stay," Phoenix said, pushing her head back in.

"I'm heading out Wink! See you tomorrow!" Phoenix called. "Oh yeah, leave me to clean up the mess!" Wink called back, "Get some sleep kid!" Phoenix laughed. "Will do!" Phoenix exited the bar. Tomorrow before she leaves, she will say goodbye to Wink.

Wink was gone. Phoenix stood outside the bar, which had gone ablaze last night. Charred, black metal poles stuck up from the ground, like disfigured demons. There was a dark lump in the middle that made her nauseous.

The robocops rolled around the scene. One came up to her and said, "Ma'am, this is a private investigation. You will have to leave." Phoenix looked up at the robocop, her hand clenching into a tight fist. 

She turned and stormed off, hand gripping the strap of her satchel, fighting back tears. Willow poked her head out and yipped. "Not now," Phoenix said thought gritted teeth. Willow whimpered before going back into the satchel. A stab of guilt panged into Phoenix's chest, but it was blocked out by anger.

She accidentally shouldered a boy. "Watch where you're going bug eyes," she snapped. She couldn't get a good look at the boy before she stormed off.

Phoenix arrived at the RLS Legacy and saw the crew rushing around, getting everything ready for take-off. She saw Captain Smollot talking to Mr. Arrow. "Captain," Phoenix said. Captain Smollot turned and lightly smiled. "Phoenix. Glad you could join us. Allow me to show you to the engine room," she said. Phoenix nodded and followed her.

Captain Amelia led her to the engine room, which sat under the kitchen. "This is where you will be working. I suggest to get to work and make sure everything is ship shape," Captain Amelia said. "Aye Captain," Phoenix said. With that, Captain Amelia left.

Phoenix looked around. There was the engine (duh) and old pieces of fabric in the corner. She went over and picked up the fabric and tyed I between two wooden post. The second piece of fabric would be perfect for a blanket, as it was a little thicker. Surprisingly, there was also a pillow. When Phoenix was finished setting up, Willow jumped the her satchel, flew over to the bed, and flopped on her back with a sigh. Phoenix lightly chuckled. "You lazy little lizard," she said. Willow chirped.

The engine made a couple of noises that weren't normal. Phoenix put on her goggles, grabbed her tool kit, and got to work. She was tuning the engine when she heard yelling upstairs. "Ahw! Me ovens malfunctioning! Where's that mechanic!?" Phoenix huffed before grabbing her tool kit and running upstairs.

"What's happened?" Phoenix asked when she entered the kitchen. The old cook looked at her. "Are ye the mechanic?" He asked. Phoenix rolled her eyes. "Duh," she said. The chef narrowed his eyes at her. "Well lass, me ovens on the fritz. Ya think yer can fix it?" He asked. Phoenix shrugged. "I'll try," she said. She noticed a boy around her age standing there with a purp in his hands.

Phoenix walked over to the oven and opened it. "Wow, this is dirty. What did to you make in here?" She asked. "Just get get to fixing it," the cook said. Phoenix shrugged and started fixing it. While she did, the boy was talking.

"Ya know, these purps are kind of like the ones at home, on Montressor. You ever been there?" He asked. "Can't say I have Jim," the cook answered. "Really?" Jim questioned, "You know, just before I left, I met this old guy, looking for a cyborg friend of his. What was the old salamander's name? Oh yeah, Bones, Billy Bones." "Bones? Boooones? Hmm. Ain't ringing any bells. Must be a different cyborg. There's a muck of us running round the galaxy," the cook said.

"Fixed," Phoenix said, coming out of the oven and closing it back up. "This is in the gears," she said, tossing a black rock to the cook. He looked at it with his cyborg eye. "Well, thank ya lass," he said. "No problem," Phoenix shrugged.

She lifted her goggles to her head, and that's when the cook and Jim gave her weird looks. "What?" Phoenix questioned. "What's going on with your eyes?" Jim asked. "Oh. I dunno. I was born with them, and no one else in my family has them," she answered.

The was yelling from above. They were taking off. "Go on and watch the take off lad, I'll be fine," the cook said to Jim. Jim raised an eyebrow. "Really?" he asked. "Yeah, I'll have plenty of work for yer when you get back," the cook said. Jim shoved his hands in his pockets and trudged out.

"Why don't ya join him lass, make sure he stays put of trouble," the cook said. Phoenix looked at him. She then shrugged and ran out onto the deck, wondering what is in store for her


Whassup guys! Here is what Willow looks like if you are curious (not my art)

Whassup guys! Here is what Willow looks like if you are curious (not my art)

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Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Until next chapter!

Fulcrum Out!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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