In the Night

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Author's note: Hey, thanks for checking out my story. Just a warning, there's really no plot, it's just smut with a little fluff at the end. Sorry for any grammar mistakes I may have missed (aka, deal with it). Enjoy! (^o^)/

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Hoseok's POV

It was so nice to finally be on vacation. Between dance practice, concerts, fan events, and family, we never had time to kick back and relax.

I heard the boys laughing as they walked down the foyer hall toward my bedroom door. Jimin kicked the door open and threw his hands up. "Yah, Hoseok! You missed all the fun!" He almost yelled, flicking the light switch on.

I looked up to see Jungkook and Taehyung standing behind him with stupid smiles plastered on their faces. Seems like they were having a good time, but I had something else in mind for the evening.

"We'll be heading out now. See you guys tomorrow." Jungkook said as he pulled Taehyung along behind him, heading toward the front door.

"Kay, see ya'." I called back. Jimin walked in my room and sat on the edge of the bed with his back facing me. "What do you wanna do tonight?" I asked, leaning back on his hands. Although it didn't really matter what his answer was because I already had my mind made up about our activities for the evening.

"I don't know. What do you want to do?"


I quietly sat forward on the bed so he wouldn't notice my movements and leaned into his ear. I whispered quietly in a deep, raspy voice, "I want to fuck you."

Jimin's POV

Chills when down my spine as I jerked my head away from his face. My pupils dilated and my hairs stood on end.

Whoa, what? I mean..we've definitely messed around like this before but... He was so direct this time. Our previous...uh...engagements, always just kinda happened on its' own. You know? He's never approached me like this.

I stood from the bed and turned around, slowly backing against the wall. I watched as he stood up from the bed as well, making his way over to the light switch by the door.


The room was now aluminated by only a small lamp on the night stand. With the curtains closed over the window on the opposite wall, blocking out the moonlight, the room had a soft, warm atmosphere to it.

Wow. He His tank top hung loosely over his sculpted shoulders with his biceps toned perfectly. He turned his head toward me and slowly came closer. His black skinny jeans wrapped around his strong calves, thighs, hips and... Whoa. I swallowed down the saliva forming in my mouth. I felt my throat bob. Fuck. He can tell I'm about to start shaking. My hands turned clammy with nervousness.

"How does that sound to you?" He calmly asked me, resting his hands in his jean pockets. Oh shit, he's serious serious.

"How does what sound to me?" I answered trying to play it cool. My voice was definitely shaking though. Damn it, that didn't work in the least bit. He let out a soft laugh with that viciously delightful smirk. My mind raced with all the things he could do to me. That bastard already had me shaken up and all he did was whisper in my ear.

Hoseok stepped closer again and leaned over me. He placed his hand on the wall by my head as I breathed in his scent. My breath hitched in my throat. That damn cologne. Fuck. He had me wrapped around his finger and he knew it. His face leaned in closer to mine, only inches away from a kiss.

"You heard what I said." His voice was tense. Calm but very harsh, as if he was about to crack. I noticed his jaw clenching... His jaw...I want to bite it... Wait, no. Stop. What am I thinking? I was laughing just a second ago. How did I change so fast? I looked down away from his features to stare at his shoes. Anything was better than his intimidating gaze.

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