pig king fight

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Y/n's pov
I was sitting down and reading some of the old scriptures that I had found somewhere when I noticed Munch drawing something in the dirt I stood up and watched what he was doing it was the schedule of a base that he went to a long time ago that was now attacking the village again it was the pig Kings Village me and him got ready for a fight I had taught him how to use a spear and sword combo if needed if he runs out of magic me I'm unable to cast magic fully the only thing I can summon our spirit magic spells that'll cause damage to me as well when we got there the pigs were eyeing me so we had to fight through them when we got into an a certain pig it shot Munch with something that knocked him unconscious I quickly picked him up and put him on my back and ran I got to a spot where I could probably wake him up but I was quickly grabbed by something and was being held down I started trying to fight it off I finally threw what I needed to throw at munch and he regained consciousness and attacked the person who jumped on top of me we couldn't see who it was we knew they had bad intentions since I had almost removed my top piece of clothing when we managed to get to a place to heal he looked over at me and noticed that most of my body was scratched up and walked over to me to patch me up but then noticed that my top clothing piece was missing I hadn't even noticed I was more worried about him since he was very beat up when he was done patching me up I started to do the same to him even though we didn't like each other we had to get along when we got to a certain area I noticed a doll near a altar this Village had tried to call for a spirit to help them a long time ago I talked to my brother in my head and asked him to take the doll's body and follow closely behind us after he left my body I was very weak and the low on energy my fighting skill in the spears went down instead was spear that appeared it was a bow he was wondering how I kept switching my weaponry and I told him it was just ability I had when we got to where we were heading I noticed an enemy ahead and I alerted him when the enemy came forth it was the pig King he went to attack us and grabbed me after knocking Munch out I tried to recovery but I was stuck since my top was gone he could see my chest and then used my deep glare this paralyzes my enemies and my brother came flying out of nowhere he would have went to find my top and gave it back to me after we fought the pig came up for a little while and my brother was dealing with him I went over to munch and woke him up after he noticed I was okay he looked over and saw my brother had dealing with him we got up to help him and I began to shoot spiritual arrows that hurt the pig King pretty badly after a little bit of a fight he went down I told Munch that the other person was my brother and he was another spirit that was contained it within my body I allowed him to take control of the body of the doll so he could come help us since we were in grave Danger after he got knocked out she was pretty sure something bad is going to happen to her and she didn't want me to get hurt either when we got back to camp we were sitting down and resting he began to cook both me and her brother enjoyed her cooking soon as we didn't really know much about it after a few plates we finally got tired enough her brother climbed up into a tree and slept like that he was going to alarm us if someone was to attack us I walked over late that night to check on her and noticed she was shaking and climbed into her hammock with her and wrap my arms around her and bring her closer to me some would call it a cuddle pile but her brother didn't want to join in so it was just me and her after I fell back asleep I felt happy and comfortable

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