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It was a chilly winter evening, Yunho was taking a walk in the park to move his body a bit after constant hours of looking at a laptop screen and working.
The cold wind slowly blew against his skin making him slightly shiver. He sighs a bit and moves his hair out of his face while still walking. As he was doing so, he noticed something under a nearby bench. He got closer and slightly crouched down to get a better look at it, it was a black cat. It was a little startled by Yunho's presence.

"Hey little kitty~" He says with the softest tone you could imagine as he reached his hand out to the cat. The cat was still a bit scared, but it sniffed the man's hand and rubbed it's head against it.
Yunho let out a small 'Aww' and started to pet it as the cat was no longer afraid of him.

"You're so adorable~ I wanna keep you now.. " He says with a quiet laugh as he keeps on gently petting the cat to which it purrs and walks closer to him.
The cat is very much loving the affection Yunho is giving, it's not thinking about anything else in the world while it's lost in the moment.

"You wanna come with me?" He asks while still petting it's head.
The cat looks up at him and gives a little 'Meow', as if it's saying 'yes'. It seems very eager to have Yunho as it's owner, it's getting really attracted to him.

"I'll take that as a yes~" He says with a small chuckle as he picks the cat up in his arms and starts walking home.
It starts to purr again, loving the warm feeling of Yunho carrying it in his arms. It starts to slowly rub his head against his chest, feeling really comfortable.

"I wonder what I should name you?.." He says in a low tone as he's still walking. But it keeps purring in his arms.

"Hm.. how about 'Shadow'? It suits you since you're fully black." He says and looks at it in his arms. "I mean.. not to be racist or something..." He adds with a joking manner.

The name gets a slight reaction out of the cat, it lifts his head and looks up in his eyes, maybe the idea of that name really caught his attention, it might be the perfect name for him.

"Okay then, Shadow it is~ and I haven't introduced myself, have I? Well I'm Yunho." He says, the cat purrs more and lays it's head on his chest. It seems very comfortable and happy now, as if it's falling in love with its new owner.
After a short while of walking, they reach his home.
He gets inside and removes his shoes with Shadow still in his arms.
And then he felt his phone vibrate due to a message, he goes inside and places the cat on the couch and sits next to it as he checks his phone. While he does this, Shadow comfortably lays on Yunho's lap.

His phone rings this time, he looks at the called ID and picks up the call, it was his mom.

"Hi mom! How are you?" He says in a cheerful tone while petting the cat to which it starts to purr again.

"Yea I'm fine too, but i found a cat today and decided to take it home! Let me just send a picture.." He says and takes a picture of Shadow in his lap real quick and sends it to her.

"I mean.. he's really cute tho, i named him Shadow.." He says, "Yea I'm keeping him."

As he was talking with his mom and petting the cat, it started to rub his head against Yunho's hand slowly while purring.

After a few minutes, he hangs up and fully diverts his attention to his cat.

"I think you may be hungry, right?" He asks as it looks up at him with its big, innocent looking eyes.
The man chuckles a bit.
"Yea I think you are.." He pets the cat again as he picks it up and goes to the kitchen.
He puts it down and opens a cabinet.
"I'm sure I have cat food, i bought it for a stray cat but she randomly stopped showing up one day.."
The cat starts to rub his head against his legs as he's searching for the cat food. He eventually finds it in no time, he puts it in a bowl and places it on the floor.
Shadow looks at the bowl and sniffs it for a second but starts eating it anyways.
Yunho smiles at him, "I'm glad you like it~" He says and decides to make himself dinner too.

He doesn't know anything yet.. Shadow isn't just a normal cat.. But he'll find out soon.

Yoo long time no see!! This is a very random 3am idea i thought of when I couldn't sleep- i already apologise for some.. you can say ✨Questionable✨ parts in the story.👽
And I know I said I'll update Not Just a Hallucination first but I'm fking struggling with the storyline and everything;-;
But anyways, i hope you like this story and if you do, please make sure to vote!!
Oh, and check out my friend Sopevminamjinkook , she's a writer herself too^^
Aaaanddd.. Have a great day/afternoon/night~

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