Pt. 4

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We sat there eating our food, no words were said because we was both munching. After finishing our food we sat there and just stared at one another.
"You have pretty eyes"
"And you sir have a pretty smile"

He smiles for a quick second but then fades away quick
"Why don't you ever smile?"
"I don't wanna talk about it"
"Well if you ever want to I'm here"

He gives me a little smile and the turns on the car

We head to what I thought was going to be back to his house but it wasn't. It was the mall. I wasn't going to question it because I knew he wouldn't take no as an answer. We walk inside and we head to a clothe store.
"Pick out what you want"
"What's my budget" I say with a raised brow
"You don't have one, get whatever you want, and what you need"

He made a mistake with giving me a no budget that's for sure.

I go through the tops and found a couple that I liked. I didn't find much pants or anything so we went to the next store. I found some cute dresses and a few pairs of jeans.

"Now for shoes"
"What? I'm already done"
"You need shoes"
"Ugh fine"

We head to the shoes and I pick out a few pairs of heals and boots because I saw him eyeballing them and they was honestly cute. I get a few pairs of sneakers and sandals and was done
"Now can we go?"

He walks out the shoe store and heads straight to Victoria secret. How did I not guess that. We walk in and a girl approaches me
"What are you guys looking for today?"
"Um im not sure"
"Okay let's see"

She talks to me about what bras I like the most and we ended up figuring that out ace whispers to me "pink looks good on you"
I smile and tell her I'll get the pink and the matching thing that went with, I got a few more things from there and was done

"Okay I swear can we NOOWWW GOOOO"
"Umm let's see yes"
"Actually I need tampons and stuff like that"
"Okay where do we go to get those"
"Any store tbh"

We go to target and I run in to grab what I need and come back out
"You ready?"
"Yes please"
He smiles and we finally get back to his place

He sets all the bags down in the room I was staying in
"Please make your self at home"
"Are you sure? Because you say that but then-"
"Yes I'm sure Malia, the bathroom is two rooms down, I'm gonna take a shower and then go to sleep, it's late"

He walks out the door and I start to pull everything out just then my phone starts ringing, I look who it is and it's my mother
I answer the phone and she's yelling at me
"I'm not coming home so forget it"

I hang up the phone and just sit there.

I hear a knock at the door and it opens.
"How much of that did you hear.."
"Just the last part"

I lay down on the bed and just lay there. He comes over and sits on the edge.
"I know this is probably asking a lot right now, but would you like to take a shower with me?"

I was surprised that he had just asked me that
"Yes I would"
As well surprised what just came out of my mouth.

He grabs my hand and takes me to the bathroom.
He takes off his clothes and gets in the shower first. I take off my shirt and stare at my scare that still seemed like it was open. I take the rest of my clothes off and get in with him.

He looks down at me and smiles, I cover my scar with my hand and look down. He moves my hand.
I kept my head down, he uses a soft tone and pulls my head up ever so slightly "Malia"
I look him in the eyes and tears start to form
"Who did it"
I didn't say anything at first
"Malia who did it"
"My ex"
"Because I was done being abused by him"

He pulls me close to him and hugs me. To be honest I don't know when's the last time I was hugged. It's been so long.. I honestly forgot what it was like to be hugged. But I loved this. I felt safe.

"You're safe with me"
I look up at him trying not to kiss him. So I turn around. He grabs a sponge and washes my body.

After the shower we get out and we're both standing there in towels.
"You know I'd fuck you right here, but I have respect for you"
"You have my consent to"
"Fuck Malia, you make it so hard"

I smile and walk out to my room
I get dressed and he walks in shirtless with grey sweats on. Lord was this man fine. He had wavy like hair with big brown eyes that sparkled in any type of light.
"I'm going to bed I just wanted to make sure you were comfortable"
"I am thank you"
"Of course"

He walks out and I lay in bed thinking about what had happened. And eventually my eyes were heavy and I was out

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