A Goodbye Is Never Painless

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There was a ringing sound in Alice's ear as she felt the hard marble floor rub against her backside. A cold finger was placed against Alice's neck as a familiar voice called out, "She's breathing!" called out Dr. Wallace.

Alice's vision returned as Dr. Wallace and Dr. Wilson stood over her, "Alice are you, alright child?" asked Dr. Wilson. Alice looked around the operating room in a sort of daze as the ringing continued. Alice could still hear the Gryphon calling out for her.

All at once, the ringing stopped.

"Miss. Liddell can you hear me?" asked Dr. Wallace, Alice nodded slowly. Dr. Wilson and Wallace both took a sigh of relief. "You had us scared there for a moment child," said Dr. Wilson.

"You are lucky Henry, I told you that you can't pull her out of the chair until the process is done, Dr. Wallace nearly cost you her mind," said Dr. Uhrmacher with disdain. "What happened?" asked Alice softly. Dr. Wallace patted Alice on her bald head, "You started repeating the words obey, right before you started crying, I took it as a sign that the test needed to end."

Alice couldn't believe Dr. Wallace would actually do that. To Alice's surprise, he had actually been helpful today, she believed Dr. Wallace was just all talk when it came to caring for her. Maybe Dr. Wallace isn't as bad as I first imagined. Alice thought to herself.

"I think it is best if you rest for a while, sleeping off this stress will be good for you, I will speak with Dr. Uhrmacher about further tests," said Dr. Wilson as he and Dr. Wallace helped Alice to her feet. Alice could see over Dr. Wilson's shoulder Dr. Uhrmacher with his arms crossed and a glare directed at Dr. Wallace and her.

"Dr. Wallace take Alice back to her cell, would you kindly." Dr. Wallace nodded, "Alright, Miss Liddell, let us return to your confinement." said Dr. Wallace as he guided Alice out of the room.

As the two walked back to Alice's cell, Alice began to think about what Gryphon had told her. Dr. Uhrmacher's machine, that wicked thing was what had removed her arsenal of weapons, if she was going to get them back she needed to return to Wonderland whilst away from that machine. How Alice was going to do that she didn't know, so far just falling asleep didn't work, and waiting for her to cross over wasn't viable at this time. Maybe if she could get knocked out?

"Don't worry Alice, you won't have to endure the machine for much longer," said Wallace. Should she not worry just as Dr. Wallace said to not worry when he first talked about Uhrmacher. So far Alice hasn't been given a reason to trust Wallace's judgment.

"Is that so?" replied Alice. Wallace nodded, "Of course, it appears Dr. Uhrmacher's machine has done more harm than good, I keep telling Dr. Wilson what you need now is social comfort and rest. The grief over a lost one is hard but we shouldn't go to drastic measures to fix something that comes naturally." said Dr. Wallace proudly, Alice couldn't help but think about how Wallace had no objections originally when it came to Alice being strapped into Uhrmacher's machine.

"Well at least someone understands that," said Alice to humour Wallace. Personally, she did agree with Wallace on what should be done about grief, but with her true condition she didn't know what was to be done, the only thing she knew was Uhrmacher's method was wrong.

Alice couldn't exactly tell Dr. Wallace she wasn't grieving, if she did it may be more apparent to any suspicious individual that she killed Bumby, at least people are less inclined to accuse someone when they are grieving. Encouraging Wallace with his grief theory was possibly the best option for Alice, no accusations and it would possibly keep Uhrmacher off of her.

"Thank you, Dr. Wallace, for at least understanding the sorrow I am going through. Losing Dr. Bumby wasn't easy for me, in truth it is hard to believe he is gone." cried Alice with crocodile tears. Alice felt kind of sick for even pretending to weep for that bastard, Bumby was a monster that deserved death and the hell he ends up in.

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