Swords of Poets

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The golden sun bathed the cobbled streets of Montmartre in a warm, inviting glow. The City of Love lived up to its reputation, and for Daniel, this summer was becoming an enchanting journey into the heart of Paris.

Each morning, he would set out on his own personal adventure, discovering the city's hidden treasures and immersing himself in its rich culture. But no matter where he wandered, the bakery remained a constant in his daily routine.

The bakery had become a place of comfort, not just for the delectable pastries and fragrant coffee, but also for the connection he shared with Luc. Their conversations had gradually deepened, moving from light-hearted chatter to more personal discussions.

As the days turned into weeks, Luc had revealed the history of the bakery, a place where his family's traditions and culinary expertise had been passed down through generations. It was clear that the bakery was more than just a place of work for him; it was a family legacy, a labor of love.

One sunny morning, Luc admitted a dream he had cherished for years. "I've always wanted to attend culinary school," he confessed, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes.

Daniel leaned in, genuinely interested in Luc's aspirations. "That sounds like an incredible dream, Luc. What's been holding you back?"

Luc sighed, his gaze fixed on the croissant in his hand. "My family's bakery has always been a part of my life. I feel a sense of duty to continue the tradition, even though my heart yearns to explore the culinary world."

Daniel nodded in understanding. "It's a difficult choice, but you should follow your passion, Luc. The bakery can always be passed down to someone who shares your family's traditions."

Luc's eyes met Daniel's, grateful for his understanding. "You're right, Daniel. It's not an easy decision, but thank you for listening."

Daniel had his own dreams, ones that he'd nurtured for years. He wanted to pursue a career in international relations, using his passion for languages to bridge cultural gaps. Sharing their dreams allowed them to understand each other on a deeper level, forging a bond that extended beyond the confines of the bakery.

Their mornings at the bakery were filled with meaningful conversations and stolen glances. Their shared dreams became a source of inspiration and a shared vision of the future.

One sunny afternoon, as they sat in the bakery's cozy corner, Luc surprised Daniel with a small gift – a book of classic French poems. "I thought you might enjoy this," he said with a warm smile. "It's a part of our culture, and I think you'll find it beautiful."

Daniel was touched by the gesture, his heart swelling with affection. "Thank you, Luc. I can't wait to read these and discuss them with you."

As they delved into the world of French poetry, their conversations took on a more poetic and romantic tone.


Two Chapters In a day, hope you liked it?!

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