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Fuck, ow, my head.. You??

[Word count: 2529]

The bustling cafeteria of Hope's Peak was a hive of activity, Risa didn't normally come here, but Luna begged Calli to walk with him to get lunch, and naturally Risa follows wherever her best friend goes. Komaeda was there too, he just felt like joining Calliope today, something about fate telling him it was right. 

The room filled with talented students engaged in various conversations, laughter, and the clinking of trays. Risa, her ebony brown hair with her red under dye cascading around her shoulders, found herself nestled amidst the lively gathering, she was used to being around groups and busy environments, but nothing like this, where she knew nearly everyone in this room by name, either knowing them personally, or hearing about them from the media or other students. Opposite her,§§ seated at the rectangular cafeteria table, Calliope leaned in, moving her hands wildly as she animatedly recounted some story, stickers popping up all over the person next to risa as she got more excited. The person next to Risa, victim to the sticker tsunami, was komaeda, he sat with an attentive gaze, nodding occasionally not seemingly bothered by Calliopes stickers, that was until one fell in his food and he nearly swallowed it. It was a middle finger, as Calliope rambled on about an engagement she had recently with mondo, a friend and client of hers. Across from Risa, beside Calliope, Luna seemed to have drifted into peaceful slumber, his head resting on the table, and the tranquil rhythm of his soft snores provided a comforting backdrop to the vibrant scene.

Risa had joined her friends as she often did, though it wasn't usually in the cafeteria, often in the music room, or the rec room and occasionally the art room, anywhere Luna had a place to lean his head. Her presence, at first, seemed like an ordinary addition to the lively clash of students scattered throughout the cafeteria. Little did she know that her mere existence was about to draw the attention of someone she'd never have expected to encounter in such a casual setting.

Byakuya Togami, the ultimate affluent progeny, her enemy, and newfound.. whatever they have going on, was passing through the cafeteria, a realm far removed from his usual circles and concerns. He was on the phone, seeming urgent to find a better signal in the whole school ,his voice raised slightly at the person over the phone, he seemed clearly unhappy as he paced through the cafeteria, for some reason the only room on this floor that had good enough service to reach abroad. He moved with a sense of purpose, his sharp eyes scanning the room with precision, ignoring unfamiliar faces, getting angrier at ones he recognised and disliked and simply brushing over anyone that seemed to be listening to his phone call. It was during this fleeting moment of observation that his gaze locked onto Risa.

There was a hint of recognition in their eyes as they met across the room. He didn't grimace as he looked at her, he didn't brush over her face either, he simply just stared for a moment. Risa, typically enigmatic and composed, yet animated, allowed a small, genuine smile to grace her lips as she held Byakuya's gaze for a fraction of a second. It was a moment of unexpected connection, as if they were briefly sharing a secret in the midst of the bustling cafeteria. He raised his free hand that wasn't grasping his phone, and it was a small movement, but he took it out of his pocket to acknowledge her, a poor excuse for a wave but the exchange showed Risa that he hadn't forgotten the day out she took him out, and that he wasn't planning to brush over it like it was nothing.

Their unspoken exchange went unnoticed by the others at the table, engrossed in their own conversations and laughter, Komaeda giggling at something Calliope had said, Calliope smiling in return, Luna sleeping of course. Until Calliope, ever perceptive, caught the exchange, just a small stare for a few seconds, but Risas eyes clearly locked with Byakuya's from across the room as he paced around the whole cafeteria. She raised an amused eyebrow and playfully teased Risa, her words dripping with a mix of surprise and jest. "Well, well, Risa, isn't this unexpected?"

"What?" Risa turned her attention to stare into calliopes eyes. Everyone at the table had food except for her, even Luna, though he wasn't eating it, so she looked out of place already, let alone Calli putting unwanted attention on her.  

Romance AU - ByakuRisaWhere stories live. Discover now