Cliff Hanger

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Since a couple of weeks strange suicides happen to the cliff of the village which was at the border of the ocean.

Those suicides caught the eye of the police because the people who put an end to their life hadn't issues while alive.

Two officers were hiding in the middle of the night near the cliff to know what's actually happening there.

They were caught and surprised to hear a strange melody coming from the sea while a villager was walking back home.

The villager stops when he hears the music and starts to walk to the border of the cliff before jumping to join the source of the melody in the ocean.

The police officers told their superiors what they saw that night and a manhunt started every night by the foot of the cliff to find who or what made this melody.

Nothing was found on the land but many perish by drowning while hearing this melody.

Soon after the hunt started on sea hoping to find an answer and sirens came to the barges and drowned the curious.

And here's the reason why it is forbidden to walk near a cliff at night... A siren might tempt your poor soul to join her.

Short storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora