Norika and Miku

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For this chapter, i won't do Pov or Perspective because it is a waste of time. 

Miku walked into Wangshu Inn. "Hello. I'd like to know about Norika Kato, Venti Barbatos and Xiao Alatus. I'm Miku. Miku Tanaka." Miku said sweetly, but threateningly to Verr Goldet. 

Verr Goldet backed away. "Who are you."

"Miku Tanaka. I want to know about Xiao Alatus, Norika Kato and Venti Barbatos."

"Um, sure. Miku, do you know this girl?"

 Miku, do you know this girl?"

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"Fumie Kano?" 

"Yes. She will probably be in the control room. Come with me."

On the rooftop...

Fumie grabbed Xiao's and Venti's hands. "We need to go. Something happened. Venti, Fanny and Mitsuko stay here. 

Fumie dragged Xiao out of the inn with her. 

"Fumie? Where are we going"

"You'll see, Xiao!" 

With Miku...

Miku ran to Norika. "Norika! I'm so sorry!" She attempted to embrace Norika, only to be pushed back.

"I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" Norika's voice rang out like a church bell. "That was a terrible thing you did."

Miku was shocked. "I challenge you."

"I accept." 

The two girls circled each other, waiting to see who would strike first.

With Fumie and Xiao...

Finally,  Xiao and Fumie arrived at Windrise. 

Lumine, Aether and Venti sat underneath the tree at Windrise, laying down in the grass, Venti laying between the twins with his arms behind his head as he hummed, Aether quietly snoring next to him as Lumine sat on his opposite side, hands folded neatly over her stomach.

Fumie rolled her eyes.

"Aether~ Wakey wakey~" Venti teased, glancing over at the sleeping boy, one hand on his stomach with the other lazily held above his head. Venti grinned, poking Aether's underarm a few times, making the blonde squeak and quickly jolt awake.

"Shit, Ventiiii," Aether whined, propping himself up on his elbows as Lumine glanced over at the two boys and Hanako came down from the tree, Venti chuckling as he stuck out his tongue, shrugging.

"You were falling asleep, it's not my fault!"

"Well you didn't have to tickle me! You always do that," Aether pouted. Lumine propped herself up as well, glancing over at Aether as she frowned.

"Does he?"

Aether nodded, sending a soft glare at Venti who still had his arms behind his head, whistling innocently with a smug grin on his face.

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