Chapter 10

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Raven knew something was wrong when everyone started collapsing.
She'd been chatting with an air mage girl named Calypso Nightingale about some homework in music class when she'd smelled the unmistakable sickly sweet scent of Eireone, a common poison that she'd often seen growing up. Her dad had taught her that if enough of it was released into the air, it could stop an elf's respiratory system, effectively cutting off their breathing.
Calypso fell, struggling to breathe. Raven felt lightheaded, and she felt the air getting thicker with each breath.
"Help... Calypso! Help!" she said desperately, falling to her knees.
Suddenly, she could breathe again. Sighs of relief echoed throughout the room. Calypso stood there, and although air magic was invisible, it was clear she had used it to filter the air so everyone could breathe.
"It'll only last... half an hour..." she said faintly. Saving everyone else had taken air from Calypso's own lungs, Raven realized as Calypso tumbled to the ground. Oliver appeared, lifting Calypso off the ground.
"I'll take her to the nurse," he said to Raven. "Go find out who did this before our time runs out." He dashed out of the room. Raven exited too, heading in the other direction. She had to find out who did this... but she already knew who it was. She turned down a corridor, and she was right. It was Kijo Trix. Kijo stood there, grinning maliciously. She had a gas mask on and was holding a small vial. Pink gas flowed out of it, fading into the air. Yes, that was Eireone. All of a sudden, anger took over Raven's mind. Kijo couldn't do this. Why did she want to hurt everyone? Why did she want to hurt Oliver? Why did she want to hurt Akira? Raven charged at her. Startled, Kijo dropped the vial. It cracked, a cloud of pink gas filling the room. Raven tackled Kijo to the ground. Channeling her anger, Raven's hands burst into flames. No, they were flames. Her hands were made of fire, and she was punching Kijo in the face, and Kijo was screaming in pain, and it was getting harder to breathe, but it felt so good—
Raven stopped. It was Akira, and next to her was Oliver and Calypso. Calypso was filtering the air again, this time getting rid of the poison altogether. Raven's anger faded, and she ran to hug Oliver.
"I'm so glad you're okay," she said, then turned to Akira, who was staring at her.
"I, uh... I'm glad you're okay too—"
"Who gives a fuck about me, are you okay? Your hands just lit on fire!" Akira exclaimed.
Raven laughed.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go back to the dorm."
"I have to get back to my dorm," Oliver said.
"Same here," Calypso agreed. Both of them left, heading for the Earth and Air dorms.
"We should get going, too," Akira said.
Fiyero yipped. Raven laughed. "He agrees with us."
They walked towards their dorms in silence until Akira said, "Um, Raven, look..."
"Yes?" Raven turned to her and she realized how close their faces were.
Akira leaned even closer to her and Raven found herself tilting her head towards her until their lips were almost touching.
"Raven!" Oliver called. "Hey, have you seen my jacket anywhere? I can't find it and I think Mom put it in your bag!"
They leaped apart, blushing. "Um, nope, sorry!" Raven called back. She turned back to Akira. "Um..."
Akira turned away. "I'm just glad you're okay, is all."

Magelore Book 1: Smoke and FireWhere stories live. Discover now