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"WHAT A SURPRISE SEEING YOU there, I thought you'd skip the first class today." Someone spoke to me and passed an arm around me as I entered the school. "I swear to god Chae, It only happened once. Why do you keep-" I interrupted myself and stopped walking when I realized it wasn't my best friend Chaewon beside me. I took a big sigh before turning my head to look at him. "Pas toi encore."

"Please hide your feelings a little bit, you seem too happy to see me," Bangchan smiled arrogantly, looking at me in return. He understood what I said even though I spoke French, given the fact he heard that sentence way too much in the past few years. My family came from Canada and made me learn French while growing up.

I made a disgusted face. "Get your arm off me before I kick your oompa-loompa ass back to Snow White and the seven dwarfs." I distanced myself, removing his arm from me in the process. "Oh no, is the attention seeker speaking?" Bangchan continued to walk beside me. "Says the one who acts mad in class so the girls will find you hot." I mimicked his tone of voice, not wanting to deal with him that early in the morning.

"At least they find me attractive, something people won't feel when they see you." He purposely stepped on my shoelace, subtly trying to make me trip. That attempt was so ridiculous that I had to suppress a laugh from escaping my mouth. I spotted my best friend at her locker and immediately ran her way, leaving Bangchan alone without feeling bad for him.

She senses me coming her way and looks at Chan, now a few feet away, before wriggling her eyebrows at me. "So you and him, finally together, huh?" I stop in my tracks and my smile drops. "I think I'm going back home finally. This is too much for a Monday morning."

"Deal with it, bitch. Ugh, I can't believe my first class is physics and I got an exam." She laughs and picks up books in her locker. "Your fault for choosing physics and chemistry instead of the chill program I am in." I shrug, glad I wasn't in her class. With how much Chae keeps complaining, it would convince anyone not to sign up for the program she took.

Chaewon closes her locker and puts the lock back on it. "Yeah well, I want to be an architect. Gotta take the classes to achieve it." We then head to my locker, the furthest away from hers. Guess the school got tired of our shit and tried to separate us in every way possible.

"So, what class do you start with on that wonderful day in prison?" My friend asked with a fake dreamy and poetic voice. "History. It's double prison time." I'm genuinely not down to go to history and listen to the teacher speak all the period while we do nothing but sit in an uncomfortable chair.

"Ah, understandable," Chaewon says right before the bell rings. We look at each other briefly before parting ways and yelling things such as 'Good luck with your exam' and 'Try not to fall asleep'.

I make my way peacefully to the history local, and it's with horror that I realize that the teacher made a new seating plan. "You must be kidding me," I mumble to myself. I was doing great at the end, directly beside the window. It's the best place you can get, but of course, the professor just gave me a free trial for that place.

I head over to the table crowded with students searching for their new places and patiently wait behind them for my turn. When I finally see the plan, I immediately spot myself. I smile as I see I still have my beloved place. The free trial turned into a subscription. I sit at my desk and wait for the rest of the people to come in and eventually see who's my seat partner. I forgot to check it on the paper, due to the satisfaction and happiness of keeping the same place.

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