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It was the night of our anniversary and I was not looking forward to it. looking out the window I watched leaves easily get ripped around by the chilly air of the fall evening in Europe awaiting for the return of Arthur.

"Aiya, he so late. Again like always" With a sigh I quickly turn my head to the clock noticing that it was nearly 7:30Pm "he should be home at any time, so to distract myself I head off to the kitchen to continue the meal aru."

yao figured he should do something nice for today so he figured he should do what he did best, Any how; he wanted there to be preparation to celebrate their 'joyous' occasion yao snickered at the thought of that.

He knew that nothing was joyous about him and arthur anymore. Without hesitation yao could admit that he did not feel the same for Arthur as he did when they had first met. But he could suppose he still loved him. So with that he walked into the kitchen and started checking on the large meal.

there was what is home town food for yao like Szechwan Shrimp, Kung Pao Chicken, Spicy Crispy Beef, Sweet and Sour Pork, then British things like scones.

It's always a good idea to have good choices and difference between their cultures and yao always saw food the best gate.

Another half hour went by and yao finished cooking and lit some candles in tie With setting up the table with no expection
Arthur slowly and quietly walked into the door sitting his suitcase down as well taking off his fancy nice shoes and with that he grabbed the book not attending to mind yao yet Assuming he's still be cooking Arthur sits in his cozy chair reading what would be his latest and dress and books as he sips Earl Grey that was in his green thermo, he always carries from home to work in.

He idly spins two tickets in his fingers chuckles taking them and slides them into his breast pocket for later. And so with that; He waits for Yao.

the short slim chinese man that always simply threw hair into a rattail, was in his territorial mark. anyways he wouldn't let arthur with in another foot into the kitchen cooking supplies again even if the microwave on, last time he was in there before he had to have the kitchen remodeled because arthur Brunt it down just by making scones. It broke yaos heart, but since Arthur felt bad about it he letted him have it redone just the way he wanted to say sorry. Now the kitchen looked like a traditional Chinese Zuo fan di difang.

Arthur didnt mind this, he stirs his earl gray and casually glance
s toward the kitchen, debating wether it would be worth possible maiming to walk in there to spring the tickets on him now or to wait until dinner and step out later, he decides to wait thinking it wou ld be less suspicious through calls of the question of "is it done yet?"

Yao personally payed no mind to his annoying boyfriends questions and prepares the table setting it up nicely for there meal, today was there one year anniversary like said before and at this point yao most likely figured that Arthur forgot since he was so late and also with all the stress and such he been taking on, yao noticed he had been working more hours and staying out later then usual, wafts of cigarettes and booze linger but he was use to it.

He also noticed hints of old bad habits picking back up, such a neglect to fold his Landry or to turn the shower handle back down once he got out, but he didn't think much of it but as being pure laziness.

Arthur should admit he didnt really notice the date, although luckily he did remember it. He remembers all important dates, god bless his good fortune, but he feels too busy to really pay attention to things anymore. He flips the page in his book, taking another long sip of tea, before setting the almost empty thremo back in its place, mildly annoyed of Yao's silence but he didnt care too badly so he didn't act upon it other than a small tch of annoyance

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