chapter one

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Tension stayed strong between the two men.
Before known it was the day of the trip, the ticket remains on the table, also to add yao had not heard a word from Arthur or Kiku about it.

What will I do? The Chinese man thought while staring at the tickets while on his phone talking to his friend ivan "aiyaa ivan what should I do about these tickets that Arthur left??"

"Hmmmm... well, does the cruise sound like something you would enjoy?" on the end he vaguely hear a growl and a shrill giggle with several thumps.

Easily distracted yao questions the nosie "Whats that sound aru?? And I- don't know, maybe it be nice long break. Maybe you join buddy?"

"Mmm, I think it would be nice, and that was Delilah playing. Maybe I could get someone to watch the children. Other then that What time and where?"

"Oh well My plane today, actual cruise in two days. Its long trip to America, I send you and Ludwig money gram aru. Okay?"

"Alright, will we be flying together or do I need to book a flight?"

"I'll book flight, okay? Now I go. See you soon okay?"

"Mmmm, meet you at your home in half an hour? Maybe we can help clean his stuff while we are there." he chuckles and his voice becomes sweet and childish, he's dead serious. "And if he comes back, lock him in an enclosed space until I get there~ bye bye Yao!" he hangs up, leaving the other in silence.

He giggles some to his friend's last words, so with said hanging up his end he begins packing his stuff and literally throwing Arthur's out of the house, he was in a good mood to know he'll get to see his friend again after a year. He really missed ivan. But was extremely excited now. "plane trip in four hours, and I all ready, now time for tea!"

By the time Yao was done with his cup there was a bang at his door as Ivan used his Metal Pipe/Cane to knock. "Yao? Do I need to cover Ludwigs eyes? or is the body already gone?"

"He hasn't returned aru. Drunken slut still out partying like whore aru." Yelling out loud He walks to the door and unlocks it letting the two in.

Ivan laughed, toting two duffel bags in setting them by the door where they wouldnt get in the way, the him and ludwig took off their shoes and going in to sit in the living room while thanking Yao.

"Wow, it is spacious! You would think something smaller would be more appropriate.... ludwig says and looks about and Ivan runs a hand over his cane

"We still have lot of time, what is plan?"

Instantly thinking of his range "Bust them aru!" He jumps up "he sleep with my brother! Shallow asses. I hate both. We bust them and make them pay!"

From that Ivan stands and sits Yao back down. "Good start, bad plan. Sometimes you must let badguys go. Especially when circumstances will tear apart an entire family. Do not worry, revenge is sweetest drawn entirely over the playing field." He smiled and Ludwig chips in.

"Ivan has a point, its not a good idea... not with Kiku. It could have long term affects on everything you hold dear, not just one relationship. You will find another, better one-"

Yao didn't like the sound of that but he under stood. "So, I should just let them go? Leave them be for while and live life with you two? Since you guys are friends?"

he noded. "We have plenty of room, in both home and heart. We will get you back on feet, if Kiku coconfry--"

"Confronts." Ludwig corrected.

ivan then smiled at ludwig then turns back to yao. "If he challenges you we will be near to help."

Feeling touched yao jumps up and hugs Ludwig and ivan, also leaving a small peck on ivans cheek. "thank you all. And with that lets go aru! We need to catch plane for fun time!" He takes their hands and leads them to the door grabbing the packages, and duffel bags rushing them to their car.

They both laugh and Ivan takes the bags, ushering yao to sit in the car as he loads it, Ludwig steps into the drivers side and starts it up, eventually Ivan gets in the passenger seat and Ludwig starts to drive towards the airport. "So, other than that, how have you been? I have not heard from you in ages! ivan turns toward him.

Joy flooded the other and he smiles. "I've been very good. Long sexless nights are the best!" pure sarcasm blodedin his voice "but I still accomplish things just fine. I been getting sick of arthur and his booze and cigarette binges anyways. Its like he did it just to annoy me." His smiles grow wider the whole time while talking about his year.

ivan looks over to Ludwig then and he barks a laugh over the fact they actually dont have a sexual marriage. "Da, but, at least its all stopped now, yes?"

Ludwig stops laughing enough to comment "we will help you find someone better! Maybe even show Arthur what he lost, ja? Rub it in his face! Regret!"

Yao blushed some to the idea of finding another person to share his 'love' with. So shrugging it away he relpyed- "That be good! I love that idea aru... lots"

"Good, and hey! we are here now!" They got out of the car and ivan grabbed the bags, Ludwig helped yao out, and then they heading in finding a seat at the gate. "We have about..." Ludwig checks his watch "a half hour.. lets go get lunch."

"Aiyaa yes! Im so hungry! Lets get dim sum." referring that he wanted cheap knock off Chinese food from a fast food joint.

"Lets hurry then, Im starved!" ivan spies Arthur over his shoulder and ushers yao and ludwig to the airport food court quickly, wanting to avoid confrontation at the time.

Yao felt Ludwig pushing him to the food court. "I know we don't have like forever, but I sworn that thirty minutes is long time for three people." But he continued looking ahead not bothering to turn around.

"Haha ludwig takes forever," ivan made sure Arthur is out of sight before slowing down their speed, finally getting to the restaurant and stepping up to the counter with his and Ludwigs orders quickly done, he gestured yao to take his turn.

He orders, and after everyone order, he talks to the lady behind the register joking along with her in Chinese just waiting for the meals to be ready.

Ivan and Ludwig went to find a seat, then Ludwig comes back when the order is ready and helps yao carry it to the table where they begin eating.

They was having a great time at the moment plus he was even reteaching ivan how to reuse Chinese chop sticks "bigger one goes between provoke n wedding aru. Small goes between pointer and thumb! Alright?"

"Ah, got it!" He smiles and successfully Pops a piece of chicken into his mouth, showing Ludwig who simply smiled around his fork.

They all continued eating, laughing, and having a good time eating timing when they should leave for the plane.


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⏰ Senast uppdaterad: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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