Jasper's pov
"JUNO!" I shouted, running after her. She turned and I finally caught up to her. "Sorry about my.... mom, she can be..... I don't even know." I said. She smiled. "It's fine. I just, I won't lie I felt a bit awkward." "Yeah, I'm sorry, it's just- she thinks that- anyways... I was just- wondering if maybe... you tryna study after school tomorrow?" I asked. "Of course. We could also make it a regular thing, every Friday, if that works for you." I nodded. "Yeah, that works." "Okay, I'll text you...." I nodded. "It's kinda getting dark, would you like me to walk you home?" She smiled and laughed. "Yeah, I would like that." And that, I did, I did walk her home.
"You know, um, Jay hates me." I said. "Why?" I shrugged. "I don't know. I didn't do anything to him." I said, and that was genuinely true, he just chose to hate me the minute I got here. "Don't pay any mind to him, he's really just trying to get a rise out of you." I nodded and we arrived at her house. "Hey, don't pay him any mind. Thank you for walking me." "Um, yeah for su-" She engulfed me in a hug, and I tried the hardest to not have my heart pound extremely fast. "Thank you." I smiled and she let me go. "I'll text you." I nodded. "Sure." She smiled and walked into her house, I saw her shadow and I smiled, seeing it turn to face me, even though I couldn't see her face, then it disappeared into the door.