Cady's First day of school

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Cady is the new girl at school. She has been homeschooled for her entire life in Africa because her parents are zoologists and study the animals.
It's the first day of school as Cady walks into the school, and it's her first day of high school. Her beautiful red hair attracts the attention of the hottest boy at school, Aaron Samuels. He looks at her, but she notices and he turns away. She starts to walk up to him but the bell rings. She sighs, and heads to class.
Once Cady's in class, she can't find a seat. Every seat seems to be taken, and everyone looks at her so weird for some reason. "Maybe it's because I'm the new girl" she says in her head as she sits down.
After she sits, she hears someone talking to her from behind. "I wouldn't sit there" says a girl she doesn't know. "And why is that" says Cady, confused. "You see that guy in front of you? He farts A LOT. Anyways, my name is Janis, what's yours?" She says. Janis introduces herself and goes to find a seat next to Janis and her friend Damian. Damian is a pretty big guy, and clearly gay as he's literally sitting and talking about how cute the guy in front of him is.
After class Cady is confused. She can't find her next class. She doesn't really know anyone except for Janis and Damian so she asks them. They look at her, confused. After a while of whispering to each-other, They say to Cady, "that's in the back building" "we can take you there".
After a few minutes of trying to get through the crowded halls, they get outside. Cady is confused. "There's no building here?" Janis replies with "Oh, weird," "I guess we have to wait!" Cady doesn't believe it, but Damian said they were friends, and Cady was in no position to pass up friends. I guess she'll never know what she missed in class that day.
During lunch that day, Cady is walking over to sit with Damian and Janis, when she gets stopped by three girls sitting down. The girl in the middle wearing a red tank top and a skirt says "Hey, my name is Regina, sit down!" Cady doesn't know how to explain she was on her way to sit somewhere else, so she sat down. The other girls introducers themselves as Gretchen and Karen. Karen seemed pretty stupid to Cady, but she didn't mind as she was pretty nice. The thing that was weird to her how they acted. It was super weird to her, as she was used to Africa and the animal kingdom. But this was girl world, not animal world.
The rest of the day was a total blur, but there was one thing that she could remember. Aaron. He was a boy in Cady's Math class, he was a senior, was older than her, but that didn't matter to her, he was the hottest boy she had ever seen. Cady had only one other crush before, it was when she was little in Africa. She was hoping this one would go better.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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