The Beginning Of Us

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Chapter 2

Wukong stared deeply at the creature's eyes seeing his own reflection in them making wukong take more steps closer towards the creature

Meanwhile the creature decided to stop taking steps backwards, the creature never had seen another living creature like him, although the creature knew that the monkey standing right Infront of him was taller and had a much more muscular figure than him

Wukong started to smile softly seeing the signs that the creature Infront of him is one of them another monkey!, a new monkey in their mountain

Wukong's tail slowly flicked behind him and started to slowly wag like a cat's tail which shows a tail sign of interest



The creature responded softly and quietly showing signs of nervousness and shyness

Wukong slightly tilted his head with a cheeky smile growing on his face looking at the new addition to his clan

"I'm sun wukong, you can call me handsome monkey king!"

Wukong exclaimed happily as he reached his hand for a handshake

The creature flinched when wukong reached his hand for a handshake, based from the creature's actions and reactions it was visible he's not familiar with normal greetings

Wukong chuckled upon seeing the creature's reaction, wukong slowly reached for the creature's hand making the creature flinch by the sudden touch

Wukong slowly shook their hands up and down doing a simple handshake

"What's your name?"

Wukong asked with his eyes glimmering with tiny shiny stars and a cute excited smile on his face

The creature's eyes softened as it saw wukong's adorable facial expression, it wouldn't hurt to answer his question right?


"Macaque.... The six eared macaque"

"Oooooh!, like the ape-"

Macaque glared at wukong not making him continue his sentence

Wukong smiled awkwardly with a nervous chuckle

"Heheh... Sorry about that heh.."

Macaque sighed and then looked back at the ground still feeling the ginger monkey's hand on his, it seemed like the ginger monkey didn't want to let go of macaque's hand

"It's alright,Uhm..."

Macaque's cheeks slightly flushed a pink shade still shy to tell wukong about their hands

Macaque felt wukong's thumb pressing his palm sending a ticklish sensation throughout his body starting from the palm of his hand

Wukong:"Huh, your hand is so soft it's almost adorable"

Macaque:"Yeah than-"

Wukong:"Your weak."

Wukong suddenly spoke slowly pulling his hand away from macaque's hand

Wukong:"How about I teach you how to work ou-"

Macaque:"Yeah no thank you..., not interested"

Macaque responded visibly insulted that wukong would say he's weak, macaque looked down avoiding eye contact

Wukong{💭}:'welp, he's one feisty monkey..'

Wukong thought to himself, wukong was trying his best to get macaque to be friends with him since macaque Is the only one that looked like wukong, wukong had thought that he and macaque will be the same person the first time he met him, oh how great friends they will be!, but no macaque is different from what wukong imagined him to be, boy wukong really needed to not judge a person by their looks

BUT that didn't NOT lower wukong's hopes to become friends with macaque, day by day wukong would check up on macaque and bring him gifts,talk to him, and got to play with him as their bond grew closer and closer with each other

Wukong is extremely happy that he reached his goal to being friends with macaque, he learned so many more about macaque and what macaque knew, macaque told wukong about his ability to hear things from the future and past like no other, wukong has been left amused by macaque's abilities

Wukong is surely lucky that he met macaque.

A/N:I'm so sorry if this chapter is short, please write a review if there are grammar mistakes and misspellings in this chapter, thank you^^

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