Unveiling the curse

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"Are you sure this is what you want?" Aryan asked as he examined the ornate, antique mirror in the dimly lit store.

"Yes, it's beautiful and elegant, Aryan," Maya replied, her fingers gently tracing the intricate golden frame.

Aryan frowned, running his fingers along the mirror's surface. "No, it's old and rusty."

Maya chuckled softly. "It's an antique store, dear. Everything here is old and rusty."

"Exactly! Why are we in an antique store shopping for a mirror? Let's go to IKEA, Maya."

"Aryan, just look at this mirror, dear," Maya said, her eyes fixed on the glass. "It's beautiful. It's refined and elegant. This mirror will really look great on our bedroom's wall."

"Well, if you really like it that much, then sure, let's take it."

"Excuse me, we will take this one," he said to the owner of the antique shop, pointing towards the mirror.

The store manager smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Oh, that's a good choice. I just bought it from the Boone auction."

Maya's curiosity was piqued. "Boone auction?"

The owner nodded. "Yes, it belonged to the Boones. It's a tragedy, isn't it?"

Maya furrowed her brow. "What tragedy?" she asked.

"We are actually new to town; we just moved here," Aryan explained.

The shop owner sighed. "Oh, the Boones were a lovely old couple, real sweet people. They just celebrated their 50th anniversary together last month, but suddenly out of the blue, Mr. Boone went crazy and sliced his wife's throat. He is serving life in prison right now, but their children auctioned off all their belongings."

Aryan turned to his wife. "You still want this, Maya?"

"Yes!" She said.

Maya and Aryan carried the heavy mirror up the stairs and into their bedroom. Maya hung it on the wall facing their bed.
"Doesn't it look perfect now?" She said, standing in front of the mirror.

"Yeah, it's perfect," he said, while he hugged her from behind. As the sun's rays shone on the rustic golden exterior design of the mirror, the couple felt euphoric looking at themselves in the mirror.

Things were looking good for Aryan and Maya; they were just getting adjusted to the new town and house.

“So, how was your first day at your new job?” asked Maya.

“It was great! Everyone seemed really friendly,” Aryan replied while he helped Maya unpack the rest of their possessions.

“Hey, did you touch the mirror?” she asked, settling on the foot of the bed.

“No, why?”

“Look at it, it's tilted from its regular position,” she said, pointing to the tilted mirror.

“Oh, I think the nail must be at fault. Remind me to fix it later,” Aryan said.
In the dead of night, Maya was jolted awake by an overwhelming sense of uneasiness. Her heart raced as her eyes shot open, only to meet the chilling sight of a shadowy figure inches from her face. A cold dread gripped her, paralyzing every nerve of her being as she stared into the nothingness of the shadow's eyes. She could feel its ominous presence, malevolent and suffocating, as if it fed off her fear. Every instinct screamed for her to scream, to flee, but she was frozen, held captive by this grotesque enigma.
In an unsettling pace, the shadow began to recede, retreating itself into the mirror that hung on the wall. She watched with disbelief and terror as the figure merged with the glass. She was able to move again, with every inch of her trembling; she approached the mirror. SHE GASPED! The mirror shattered, launching its shards onto her face.

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