chapter twenty-one ✧ green eyes and red wine

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The Last Long Continent by La Dispute


Warning: This chapter includes A LOT of mature content. 

Also, this chapter is very long (9k+ words)... I'm formatting a little differently for anyone who may need a break while reading. Each one will be marked with a header in case it feels too long for one sitting!  


Memory One: First of June 1893

The house in Feldcroft had been a less-than-ideal place to stay after graduation. Especially staying there alone.

Amelia Blackwood had set a bucket around to catch the summer rains from leaking all the way through the roof. Magic was no longer holding the old roof together and the muggle method would have to work for the time being.

The dripping sounds of water were driving her mad over the past few days. She had considered climbing onto the roof herself to try and patch it herself, but she hadn't been feeling well enough. That afternoon thankfully the sun had finally come out and given her some peace of mind for a moment from the endless tapping of rain in the bucket.

When there was a knock on the front door she wasn't excited as she'd hoped. It wasn't going to be the person she'd hoped for, that much was clear by the choice to knock. 

Amelia had simply thought that Poppy was early when she approached the door. Her friend was supposed to come over that evening, but it was only mid-afternoon. There was no one she expected to be there otherwise.

But when she opened the door, she frowned at the sight of Marvolo Gaunt. Kept the door only cracked slightly open not allowing him to see inside the house.

"What do you want?" Amelia asked sharply.

"I got your resignation letter," Marvolo explained calmly, "You are the first person to ever quit on me before their first day. I was hoping to know why?"

"I believe it was in my letter," She dismissed, attempting to shut the door.

Although his foot had wedged into the frame preventing her from being able to shut him completely out. Marvolo smiled at his own move before handing out a small bouquet of sunflowers closer to the door.

"I brought you these," He said, "I heard about your friend's passing. I figured it was the same girl that you had told me about, the one with the curse. I assume your resignation had something to do with her loss?"

Amelia eyed him up and down with hesitation before informing him, "Anne's grave is on top of the hill over there. Bring them over yourself."

"Well they are for you," He laughed.

"I don't want them." Amelia dismissed dryly.

"Why not?"

"I don't even like sunflowers."

"Then what type of flowers should I bring you next time?" 

There were far too many things to worry about besides Marvolo Gaunt attempting to give her flowers. Yet each time she tried to shut the door, his foot kept it open between them. Every conservation she had with him had been that way. The only way he would leave was when he was ready.

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