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I knew the start of my fourth year wouldn't go to plan, most of my friends stayed at school due to their parents not wanted them back because of business, but since my family wasn't like that I had to sit alone. And here I was again alone in my carriage until a group of lads came in. "Uhm excuse me. This is awkward but can we sit here" the boy said adjusting his glasses. I nodded smiling at them "yeah feel free" I shuffled along making room for them "cheers love" one of the boys said. "So uhm what's your name" the smaller one asked. That's when the rest of the group stifled out into laughter. "Oh Pete you don't know who valentine is?" The one with glasses exclaimed. That's when the smaller boys mouth dropped.

"Yeah, I'm valentine, val or Tina for short." He nodded, "and you boys are?" They looked offended when I asked them. "Excuse me valentine, we're the marauders?" I laughed at Sirius's offended tone. "Yeah I know who you are I'm just messing, anyways how come your not with the girl?" James shook his head. "Lily told us to piss off.. so here we are!" I giggled. Of course evans told him to piss off, he hasn't stopped harassing her since second year. "I can say the same for you val. where's the rest of the snakes?" Sirius said smirking at me. Always a charmer that one. "Well my friends stayed at Hogwarts this year, parents didn't want them back due to business." The boys nodded.

It felt like the train journey was so quick, I think I just clicked with the marauders, it's almost like we were long term friends. Just before we pulled up in hogsmede Sirius looked at me "Val, would you like to join our group. I think your the only thing we're missing." My face lit up as I smiled. "Of course, I'd love to!" They all smiled at me, that's when the train came to a halt. The boys grabbed their stuff and I grabbed mine. Waking off the train felt great i couldn't wait to see my friends again, and eat the best food. My mums a great cook don't get me wrong but the elves are just better. Once the boats had arrived we all got on one. Me with the boys and Hagrid. The love I had for Hagrid wasn't explainable, I didn't love him in a weird I thought of him as a friend, a giant one. Hagrid was the youngest of the teachers, he had the role of taking care of the magical animals and then teaching us. And this year, well this year he'd finally get to teach me.


I don't know what came over me, but as soon as I saw valentines carriage empty I turned the lads in the right direction and guided them towards it. Of course there was an empty one but I wanted to speak to the girl I had heard so much about, I wanted to get the know the one all the boys fawned over, the one the girls despised. Even molly which was a shock. Yeah they may act like best friends together but when I heard molly hated how much attention val got and how much it pissed her off because her sister was that it shocked me.

As soon as we sat down we got talking, I didn't say the first thing james beat me to it, I was too busy admiring her features, her ginger hair, the sharp jawline that could take someones eye out. The word beautiful couldn't even describe her. This girl was a goddess.

I knew when the train was nearly there it would be my last time speaking to her so I had to make a move. When I asked her to join our group the boys faces lit up. I knew they were thinking the same. And when she said yes it felt like a weight came off my shoulders. Yeah we may not always speak due to her being in Slytherin but I'd make a point to skip class just to be with her. Luckily this year time tables have changed. Maybe this year I'll be able to partner up with the girl of everyone's dreams...

As soon as we left the train I dragged her to our boat, when she saw the captain she smiled. Hagrid was everyone's favourite, everyone loved him. People looked up to him. But to us Hagrid was like an older brother, he was the only one who laughed when we teased snape or when we pulled pranks on the teachers. I do feel bad for him as he gets a right telling off when he does but in our defence we are funny..

Once the boat had pulled up valentine said her goodbyes. She pulled me into a quick hug which threw me off, when she pulled away I could feel the heat in my face rising as she walked away. "Ooo pads has a crushhhh" James teased. What a twat! James has been my best friend since first year, he's the only one that truly knows what goes down at my house. Remus and Peter only know fractions of it, moony knows a bit more then Pete though. As much as I love Pete I don't entirely trust him. I think it's just the fact that his animagus is a rat that throws me off. Animagus's are given with meanings. And I thing the whole point of being a rat gives his away, and plus Pete's always been a snitch so I just don't trust him..

This is chapter one, I hope you enjoyed, if I've made any spelling mistakes please feel free to correct me as my spellings not that good x

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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