Chapter One

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Once upon a time, in an era where dragons roamed the land, a time when their presence was known to all, many of these magnificent creatures were monarchs, who could change from their dragon forms to a human one. Some dragons ruled with kindness and trust, while others harbored dark ambitions, much like the ruthless rulers of Earthwing Kingdom, fathers of two twin children, Cadmian and Clide, each with unique personalities but an unbreakable bond of brotherhood.
There is a legend of these inseparable twins, whose bond was forged in the fires of their childhood adventures. As they matured, Cadmian was betrothed as the heir to the throne, shouldering the burden of joining his father in battles waged against neighboring realms. In Cadmian's absence, Clide dutifully tended to the kingdom's affairs, guarding the realm with unwavering devotion.
Then came the fateful day when destiny demanded they march to the battlefield together. However, when the dust of war had settled, only Cadmian returned, his heart heavy with the loss of his father and his brother. The kingdom, once bustling with life, began to wither, a haunting silence falling upon the land. As time passed, nature's embrace slowly consumed the abandoned kingdom –its lush forests swallowing the remnants of what was.
Cadmian, the solitary dragon, chose to remain amidst the verdant wilderness that had sprung from the ruins. He became the guardian of the land, his dragon form taking refuge in the heart of the forest, vowing to protect it for all time. Yet, beyond the cherished legend that has been passed down through the ages, there exists a hidden truth.
In fact, the truth was darker than everyone would think. Our great forest guardian, who had suffered the death of his brother in war, was all a beautiful lie to trick the innocent people of his kingdom, but if that was a lie, you may wonder - what was the truth?
Allow me to enlighten you, because I am the silent observer, the bearer of forbidden knowledge, existing in a realm between all that is known and the boundless unknown. I, the spectral custodian, have cast a curse upon Cadmian, a punishment befitting his sins and transgressions against nature's design. Now, dear reader, come with me into the enigmatic realm of a Dragon King whose wings once carried him to the far reaches of the world, only to find himself irrevocably attached to a single, haunting place.
This tale begins in the innocence of youth when the twins were merely boys untouched by the awakening of their latent dragon powers. In those tender years, their connection ran deep, and they were inseparable, resembling mirror images of one another. Both shared a deep black hair, gray eyes, and a pointed nose. Even their height was exactly the same. They also shared the same wardrobe, creating an enchanting symmetry.
During this idyllic stage of their lives, a fearless and intrepid girl named Lucelle entered their world. She was the daughter of a neighboring kingdom's count, her beauty as a child merely a prelude to the radiance that would grace her as she grew older.
Together, they formed a trio reminiscent of the legendary musketeers. The princes unveiled to Lucelle the forest's most hidden passages and their most cherished haunts in that mystical wood.
However, the inexorable march of time eventually called them to embrace the weight of responsibilities. Lucelle returned to her kingdom, her role evolving into that of Lady Lucelle, marked by the societal expectations and duties of a woman in those times.
The turning point came with their transition into puberty, a period when their latent dragon forms emerged. In this revelation, they discovered a divergence that set them apart. Cadmian's dragon form manifested as a mesmerizing dark green, adorned with ebony scales, reflecting the depths of his character. In tremendous contrast, Clide took on a divine light green hue with shimmering silver scales, a manifestation that mirrored his own unique inner nature. This revelation painted a sharp picture, showing that while they may have appeared as twins on the surface, their personalities were just like oil and water, unable to blend harmoniously.
Despite their contrasting personalities, love thrived between them, an unyielding force that transcended their differences. Being twins, their connection ran deep, unchanging even in the face of their disparate dragon forms. It became evident that their powers, though outwardly distinct, were fundamentally the same. Together, they harnessed the ability to coax flowers into bloom, nurture the growth of plants, and sustain the lushness of the forest enveloping their kingdom without a drop of water. Their power extended to the manipulation of anything derived from the earth.
In their benevolent hands, this gift became a source of beauty and reward, ensuring the prosperity of their realm. However, the twins were acutely aware of the potential dangers inherent in their abilities if wielded with malevolence or negligence. Thankfully, from the moment they discovered this extraordinary power, Clide and Cadmian were steadfast in their commitment to the welfare of their kingdom. Utilizing their powers for the greater good became their shared mission, a dedication that resonated especially strongly with Clide, who unwaveringly prioritized the well-being of their realm.
As they extended their helping hands to the people, admiration for Clide and Cadmian grew exponentially. Throughout their adolescence, they diligently worked to uphold this favorable image, offering support to those in dire need, assisting with arduous tasks, and traversing the kingdom to connect with its residents. For Clide, these moments were cherished, filled with the warmth of camaraderie. However, for Cadmian, the overwhelming affection sometimes felt like a burden, causing stress. He, unlike his brother, didn't revel in direct contact with people and, above all, held himself aloof, a demeanor that set him apart.
Despite the apparent contrast in their approaches, both brothers sought to engage with the kingdom's populace out of necessity. However, Cadmian's reserved nature made him appear colder than Clide, who effortlessly mingled with children and engaged in lively conversations with anyone who approached. The townspeople, having grown acquainted with them, appreciated the perfect balance the brothers struck, like day and night complementing each other flawlessly. Yet, beneath this facade of unity, the seeds of betrayal were quietly sown among them, and a seemingly inconspicuous breach of trust would soon cast a foreboding shadow over their future.
This little betrayal arrived soon; on the eve of Cadmian and Clide's twenty-first birthday, Lucelle returned, setting the stage for a poignant clash of affections. Both twins were instantly enchanted with her, sparking a fervent competition for her heart. In the ensuing months, a relentless pursuit unfolded, culminating in Cadmian triumphing over his sibling in the battle for Lucelle's love. However, his victory was tainted, as he resorted to magical means to enchant her affections, a fact unbeknownst to the unsuspecting Clide.
In the wake of Cadmian's success, Clide, unaware of the magical intervention, graciously extended his heartfelt wishes. "May you have the most beautiful life with Lucy, my dear brother" he declared. "She is as radiant as the moonlight that bathes our forest in its glow during full moon nights. You, a gentleman who prioritizes others over himself, take care of her as you do with our kingdom."
Expressing gratitude, Cadmian responded, "Your words mean a lot, dear brother. Rest assured, I will cherish her, and I know you'll be there if ever needed." Yet, beneath the surface, a shadow of remorse lingered as Cadmian grappled with the knowledge that he had resorted to less-than-honorable means to secure Lucelle's affections. Despite Clide's genuine wishes, Cadmian couldn't escape the haunting realization that perhaps his pursuit was more rooted in obsession than genuine love, a possession that eclipsed even the bonds of brotherhood.
In the wake of the enchanting engagement between the cherished prince and Lucelle, anticipation reached a fever pitch as their wedding unfolded—a grand spectacle that would go down in history as the most magnificent celebration ever witnessed in the illustrious Earthwing Kingdom. A harmonious blend of opulence and inclusivity, the ceremony saw an invitation extended to all, transcending social strata and welcoming even the humblest inhabitants. The streets teemed with eager onlookers, their eyes aglow with the prospect of witnessing their adored prince unite with the love of his life.
However, the wedding was merely the prologue to a succession of revelations that would shape the destiny of the kingdom. Amidst the jubilant festivities, the monarch, after much deliberation, decided to designate an heir to the throne. The choice fell upon one of the twins, and in the radiant aftermath of the wedding, Cadmian was formally anointed as the heir, a decision that set the kingdom abuzz with speculation and whispers.
The celebration continued unabated for days on end, a testament to the unbridled joy that had seized the kingdom. Smiles graced every face, and a tangible sense of euphoria enveloped the land. For a fleeting moment, it seemed as if happiness had cast its benevolent spell upon Earthwing, painting a vivid picture of prosperity and unity.
Nevertheless, beneath the surface of elation, shadows stirred, foreshadowing the complexities that lay ahead. The joyous days were a respite, a brief interlude before the kingdom would be confronted with the intricacies of royal succession and the weighty responsibilities that came with it.

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