Chapter 10

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I didn't like parties so I came to the hill top from where we used to watch the sunset when we were in school. It was not far away from Karan's house so I just walked here. It's a very peaceful and calmful place and that's why I liked to come here very much. So when I came back from London I started coming to this place every evening. There were so many memories connected to this from old days. 

I was so much lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice Karan's car pulling up behind me and him coming out of the car and sitting beside me. 

"Nice view" he said bringing me back to reality.

"Ohh hey. When did you come here?" I asked.

"Right when you were busy in your thoughts" he said.

"Yeah I was just thinking about old days when we were in school and we used to come here every evening to watch the sunset" I said.

"Well there is no sun right now so what are you doing here?" he asked.

"I don't like parties and after coming back from London I come here every evening to sit for 1-2 hours whenever I am not on call for surgery" I said.

"Yeah Neha told me that this is your favorite place when I asked about your whereabouts because you were not in party" he said.

"Why were you finding me in the party?" I asked.

"Nothing just wanted to talk to you and wanted to see you" he said with a faint smile on his lips.

"Oh I see so what do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Nothing just wanted to say if you want to share something then I am here. I will not judge you so you can share freely" he said.

"Yeah I know that and I also know that you love me and can do anything for me but I am not ready for anything right now" I said without looking at him.

"Why?" he asked.

"When I was in London I was in a relationship. His name was Vikram. I thought will help me move on from you. First few months it was good but then slowly everything started changing. First, it started with friends. He didn't like my friends so I stopped meeting and talking to them. Then slowly he started keeping an eye on me. He took all my social media accounts and I was so blind in love that I gave him all without asking a question. Slowly he started doubting me on every little thing and started physically abusing me. He was son of a billionaire so I was helpless but my best friend , Aarav, was noticing everything. So he said just call the police and get it over with once and for all but I didn't have any proof so I couldn't call the police like that. He offered to help me and came up with a plan and I agreed to it. When I went home that day he came with me and stood outside one of the window's  and kept an eye on me and when Vikram came home drunk he started abusing me and Aarav called the police. When the police arrived and tried to arrest Vikram he ran out of the house and Aarav tried to stop him from running away but Vikram shot him and he died. I tried my best to save Aarav but he didn't survive because of excessive blood loss. After finishing my residency I cam back here" I said trying to control myself from crying.

"He died because of me. I don't believe in love anymore after that relationship. Also that night when I got the nightmare and was crying in sleep, this is what the nightmare was about. I usually get nightmares of this incident especially Vikram shooting down Aarav" I said, fully breaking down.

"Hey, it's okay. You are safe now. Don't blame yourself. You tried to save him and you did your best in it" he said while coming closer and hugging me.

I hid my face in his chest and clutched onto his white shirt and cried while he hugged me and caressed my hair to calm me down. When I was done crying I stayed in the same position for couple minutes before pulling back.

"What is the time?" I asked remembering it must be very late.

"It's 1:30 A.M." he said checking his watch.

"I think we should leave. It's very late" I said while getting up to walk back home.

"Come I will drop you. It's not safe to walk back alone this late at night" he said getting up.

"No it's okay. My apartment is just couple minutes away from here" I said.

"I am not asking you I am telling you so come and sit in the car" he said.

"Okay fine" I said and opened the car door.

"By the way why are you living in an apartment and not with your parents?" he asked while sitting in the car.

"Well it is near to the hospital and In London I lived in and apartment so I am kinda used to living alone now. I do visit my parents on weekends and sometimes on weekdays too and also now I am almost 30  so it just feels right to live alone and not with my parents anymore" I said while putting on my seat belt.

"Okay makes sense. Tell me the route to your apartment" he said.

Thank you lovelies❤️!

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