~3 • Void~

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Fracture exited their level, surprisingly calmly. They were a little anxious, sure, but not anywhere near enough to panick.

They glanced back at the one level, slightly anxious, but calmed a bit and slowly flew over.

They didn't quite know if this was the best idea, but Fracture did wanna possibly meet other shapes more, since that could help in future situations to see who's violent, and who isn't violent.

They did be sure that Theory was in his own level right now, before they would go find the other shape.

As they did get a bit closer to the level, they did see the hexagon. "Uhm.. hello, I guess- ? .. err, what's your name?"

The hexagon seemed a bit startled for a second, glancing over, and literally glared at them, which made them feel a little bit uncomfortable. "... Seme."

He seemed to be considering something for a second, and then asked, "What's your name, then?"

"Uh, Fracture." They looked directly at Seme, and then realized that he was spawning some spiky circles, spawning an "!".

They backed away a little, spawning two wurms, and as soon as Seme spawned the spiky circles, Fracture managed to dodge them, and Seme made the circles explode (basically, p i n k  d o t  b u l l e t s-), which one of the bullets nearly hit them, but luckily didn't.

They flung the wurms at them, sorta tryna to just hit him since that's one of the only things they could do with them. Which they did that successfully, and backed away farther.

Fracture was backing away from the level, but they were also backing away from their own level, which they probably wouldn't even be able to go back to without Seme following.

Seme spawned more spiky circles, flinging a few of them at Fracture, which they dodged, but then flung the other spiky circles at them right when they dodged, which they got hit by. And weren't exactly expecting to get hit by outta nowhere. "ACK- oW-" They winced a bit as Seme used the spiky circles to stab them, and then epxloded the circles, while they were stabbing them, which was quite painful since they were still stabbing them when the circles exploded, and there are of course those bullets when they explode.

Wincing, Fracture spawned wurms, trying to hit Seme with them. Their own blood was a slightly darker, or slightly grayish-colored, purple, which was dripping from where the spiky circles had hurt them.

Luckily, it hadn't been near one of their larger spikes, especially since, seeing as Seme immediately attacked them, they guessed he would probably take the higher amount of pain, which for whatever reasoning they feel when those spikes are hurt, as an advantage for himself to make them not able to fight back as much by attacking them there.

Well, if they even were to find out immediately if they'd done that, that is.

Backing away, Fracture glanced around, while dodging more spiky circles Seme had just spawned and flung. He exploded the spiky circles, and they winced as a bullet hit one of their spikes.

Spotting a cave, they spawned wurms, flung them at Seme, and quickly flew into the cave.

They didn't know for sure if this would work, but they flew farther and deeper into the cave. They just needed to get away, and not to their level yet.

Fracture did manuever around a few things in the cave, and ended up in a black void-like area, and flew a bit in a direction, before getting startled by seeing another shape.

"What in the-" A corrupted square looked at them, floating next to a level. "Uhh-.. hiii? Are you, uhm, okaY? Er, my name's Corrupted. I was gonna do something, which er, wasn't much, but, uh, do you wanna come to my level really quickly- uh- I do know at least, a tiny bit, about how to treat wounds... not very much, again, as I said." Fracture akwardly glanced at them, then back, seeing Seme, who wasn't looking at either of them, spawning "!!".

Corrupted also glanced over, then suddenly started spamming a bunch of symbols, and grabbed Fracture by one of their spikes. "Wh- aCK-"

Corrupted immediately rushed back into what they guessed was his level, with Fracture.

Fracture, startled from this, just floated there once they were in. "Uh-" They got cut off by Corrupted anxiously saying something.

"Uhm.. he, didn't see us there, did he- .. ??"

"Er- I don't, think so? .. Don't quote me on that, though-" They'd calmed down a bit, and glanced behind themselves at the enterance. "Uhm-.. why were you so, panicked?.. I haven't, seen you before, so, I don't exactly know if you've seen Seme before.. I haven't before now." Fracture tried to calmly ask that, not wanting to sound very anxious right now. They flew over a bit, away from being in front of the enterance to his level directly.

"Uh... I, have. You got to know his name, then-.. ?" Corrupted still seemed extremely anxious. "I just, would rather not say what happened yet.. but uhm.. I'll just- they just-.. uh-" He sighed. ".. Can I trust you- ? .. I mean- I just, want to tell someone by now, especially since I know his name now."

"Uhm.. yea, sure I suppose. I'm not, aggressive, I more or less just stay in my level sometimes, 'cuz I'd just prefer to do that over risking meeting violent shapes." Fracture sorta just looked at Corrupted, who seemed a little bit less tense by now.

Corrupted glanced at Fracture, then a bit away, but still directed his gaze at them. ".. Seme, attacked me, a long while back. And uh-.. Pretty badly hurt me. He sorta, uh..-" He put his hand a bit over a crack on the corner of himself, but lowered his hand away a little bit. "He, may have, caused, that, to happen.. a crack. Uhm, It just, stayed there-"

Fracture glanced down a bit. "Ah. I was uh, lucky, then, I 'spose." They didn't particularly want to mention the other reason why they were, they didn't really tell other shapes about that ever. They'd usually just, find out, one way or another, whether that be accidents or just a shape attacking them and hitting a spike by accident.

"Yeah, I guess so- I didn't even talk to Seme, I just was wandering, I guess, in a way." He looked at Fracture. "So uhm.. I guess I could help with the wounds he did cause, though, since it still wouldn't be the best idea to have you bleeding, even if it ain't much."

Corrupted started flying off somewhere into his level, but then paused. "Oh uh, you can call me Corr if you ever want to, that's just a nickname you can call me if you wanna."

Fracture spun their spikes a bit. "Ah, aight!" They followed behind Corrupted.

Corrupted grabbed some things. "Mkay, so, I'll be gentle, aight? But uh, we'll need to clean the wounds and stuff first. It miiight sting a little bit, I 'spose."

Fracture just replied mostly calmly. "Ah, alright. Uhm, just, please be careful, and uh, gentle, with touching my spikes, I guess- ?"

Corrupted seemed a bit confused, but sorta just nodded. "Er, okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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