~ Hogwarts letter ~

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Hogwarts Letter 01

It was a normal day in the Malfoy Manor. Draco was waiting for something, Evelyn didn't know what, but didn't really care.

She knew he would just brag about it. Probably another gift from his father.

Evelyn didn't like her home. She knew she didn't belong there because she looked different then everyone else

They all had white hair but hers was black.

Pure black.

It made her feel a little left out, she felt out of place.

To pass time she would just read books that she found in the basement and daydream about her favourite characters.

She loved reading, she wanted a journal so she could write about them but wasn't allowed

It was a little after 5pm and dinner is in an hour so she has time to read

She grabs her favourite muggle book, and sneaks out of her window onto the roof

She usually goes to the roof so she can be alone and so she can just relax.

She loved going on the roof when it rained. It was peaceful. Sadly she couldn't take a book out with her, she didn't know any spells so it would ruin easily.

She loved romantic books. And she knew this one was a classic.

Romeo and Juliet.

It was a wonderful story, Evelyn loved it.

She wondered why the house had a muggle book but she didn't really care, at least she got to read it.

A few chapters in, Draco goes to the window that leads to the roof and knocks on it to get her attention

while opening the window a bit "Father said to tell you dinners ready" he says with a sassy tone

He gets cranky when he's hungry. She doesn't blame him tho, she does too

"I'll be down soon, give me 5 minutes" she said still looking down, reading her book

"He said now" he said a little mad

"Why now?" She said getting annoyed

"We got mail" he said and stormed off

What does he mean 'we' got mail, Evelyn never gets mail.

She sighs and goes into the house through the window and goes downstairs to the dining room.

"Evelyn please sit, i have something to give you and Draco" Lucius said with both annoyance and happiness in his eyes

She thought he was annoyed of her to be honest

He hands them both a letter with there address and they names

~ Ms. E. Black ~
Malfoy Manor

She looked at the other side and there was a beautiful red stamp and a hogwarts symbol

She couldn't believe her eyes.

Her dream school.

She looked up to see Draco also a bit excited.

"Can I open it?" She says excited

"Yes, you can" he sighs

Dear Ms Black
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.
Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins September 1. We await your owl by no later then 31 July.

Yours sincerely

Minerva McGonagall

She never knew her last name. Evelyn black, hm not bad.

she gets up to go hug Lucius but he gives a disgusted look knowing what she was gonna do so she sat back down slowly.

"You'll be getting your supplies in a few days" Lucius Malfoy says.

He turns his head to Evelyn "until then, Evelyn will be doing all the chores to make up for the money" he says with a small grin.

"But that's not-" she gets interrupted.

"No buts, you will do it or you will not be going, that is final!" He shouts and storms out before she can get mad at him again.

She quickly eats her food and locks herself in her room.

She hears a knock at her door.

"Go away!" She yells.

"It's me, Draco" Draco says through the door.

"Can you let me in?" He says.

She sighs and opens the door.

Sometimes Draco can be a real jerk.

but sometimes he isn't, he can be quite nice, with the right people.

She was one of the few.

"When father is gone I can help you clean" he says trying to cheer her up.

"Like you would ever clean" she let out a quiet chuckle.

"Fine then, how about.. I get you a new book while we're there, and I'll pay" he says.

She smiled and gave a nod.

She felt like he was planing something.

Just by looking in his eyes, she knew he was hiding something.

Before she could act he quickly puts his hand on her head and messes up her hair.

"Oh you'll regret that" she said getting mad.

She starts to chase him around the house. She even got him to go outside to run away so she locked him outside the house.

It took him a few minutes to realize that I wasn't chasing him anymore, when I finally let him in, he chugged 3 cups of water.

She felt kinda bad but it was funny at the same time.

She grabs a glass of water and heads up to her room.

She lays in her bed, reading her book.

Few hours later she has passed out with the book on her chest.

Please tell me if you like this and chapter 2 will be up shortly <33

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