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Rhea's gaze went up to the beautiful bride walking down on the aisle, with a smile on her lips that lit up the whole world. Rhea's lipa curled into a very small smile as she saw her, and she admired Liv's face and her ocean eyes and the style of her hair and the way she was holding the white flower in her hands.


2 years ago

Just like all nights, Rhea was coming back from the bar, wearing full black clothes with a leather jacket and her hands in pockets. She looked up and breathed out. Her life has been pretty shit for a few weeks, and she has been suffering a lot. Everything has happened so quickly, and she didn't have a moment or a time to take a break. The worst part was there wasn't anyone for her to be there except her only best friend Damian. She only has him in her life, and she doesn't always open up person. She prefers to hide her emotions rather than show them, and then it causes pain and hurt. Although she didn't want to be friends with anyone anymore, she lost her interest in finding new friends and knowing new people in a long time ago. The thing was for her, life teach her lessons she won't forget. She reached her apartment and went inside taking out her keys and opening the door of her room, the door opened and she stood there looking into the room, all alone, dark, she sighed and went inside turning on the light throwing her keys into the table and popping into the couch and rubbing the sides of her head and breathed out, she took a pillow in her arms and closed her eyes.

Liv woke up with her usual smile. She got a shower and then changed her clothes for work. She was working in a company and she was happy there, really happy, she has a lot of friends. And she was active, not like the lazy ones don't like her job and the people around there. She really loved the job and the people. She was friendly and very kind to everyone. She finally got out of her house with headphones on and walked to the bus stop.

Once she was off the bus, she went to her best friend's car, who was waiting for her there, she opened the door, sitting down and they hugged,

"Hi." Liv smiled and took out her headphones, turning on the radio.

"How are you, Livvy?" Bayley said and started to drive.

"Great, just like always. Why are you driving in that way?" She asked her bestie because that wasn't the way of the coffee they used to go and buy their coffee.

"I want to try another coffee shop. We always buy our coffee in Sam's coffee. Why not try something new." Bayley smiled and looked out the window as she saw a coffee shop. She turned off the car, and Liv rolled her eyes and walked out.

They stood in line, and Liv looked completely annoyed, but Bayley was trying to motivate her. Bayley was her closest friend. She loved all her friends, but Bayley hits differently for her. She was truly glad to have her. They were like sisters. Her relationship with other friends was all well, and she is happy with them.

Liv was lost in her thoughts without realizing the short dark-haired girl, with black lips and grey eyes, was looking at her and lost herself in her ocean blue eyes under glasses. Rhea looked deep and deeply in Liv's eyes, and her breathing was getting slower, and Liv was looking back at her just the same. They were both lost, and none of them knew what it was. It was like the world had stopped for a few short minutes. The sound of Bayley's coughing made Liv break the strong eye contact, and Rhea looked away quickly and inhaled.

"Two coffee, please." Bayley said, looking at Liv, giving her a smirk and an eyebrows raise. And Liv rolled her eyes.

"How do you want your coffee, Ma'am?" Rhea's voice was a little shaky that even made her confused why.

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