Henry keeps getting hurt

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Henry closes his locker. He was walking to Charlotte. "Hey Char," he said. "Oh, hey Henry wassup?" "Same old thing," he said. (Bell rings). "Oh we better get to class," said Henry. "Yeah," said Charlotte. As Charlotte closed her locker it didn't close because it was squeezing Henry's shoulder. "Owwwww," he cried out. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Henry," said Charlotte. "No, it's my fault I shouldn't have been to close to you," said Henry. Henry and Charlotte walked in Mrs. Shapen class, Henry was about to close the door Jasper ran into the room and the door hit Henry on the back of his head. "Owwww, man I keep getting hurt." "Henry quit faking, " said Mrs. Shapen. I'm not faking." Then Henry started walking to his desk and someone tripped him and he hit his head hard on the floor. "Owwwww," he screamed out loud

Henry can't get hurt anymoreWhere stories live. Discover now