Pumpkins singing the blues

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Rick who has been my therapist for three years looks me in the eye and said " Your new prescription is coming with me to the state fair to sell pumpkins " . He can't be serious, I need help not stand around in the cold all day selling vegetables, is a pumpkin a vegetable? Heck if I know. Rick continues " Look don't look at me like that, a pill can't solve everything, and besides you need some human interaction. " I have plenty of human interaction thank you" I remark. Screw him, I am doing just fine. " Oh yeah, when is the last time you talked to Alex " he questions me. Well great, he has me there. Since the incident I haven't talked to him at all or answer his texts or calls. He is better off, trust me. "Exactly what I thought, so with that said you are coming. It won't kill you Jason if anything let you breathe air that's not nicotine smoke". "What's the point" I ask him. " The point is you can't change what happened and there's a whole world out there. You have a working body and a life that can be lived should " Rick replies pleading with me to believe him. I want too, I want to believe I can be happy but how can I.... after everything. "Fine I'll go not like I have a choice". Rick smiles at me "this will be good I promise ". Promises, promises. Honestly, I hope he is right because I am running out of options.


"Well mom I finally got the recipe together" I say to no one. Mom died when I was 16 and I am 25 now. Her dream was to own a bakery but that all ended when she got brain cancer, so now it's just dad and I. Looking at mom's grave I wonder if she would be proud of me, or what she would say about me entering my muffins in the state fair. The state fair that could change everything. Right now I work at a cafe making coffees and going to community college bur what I really want is to live out mom's and I dream. With not having very much money, buying my own bakery seems pretty bleak. After mom died, dad sleeps on the couch when he isn't out at a bar, so needless to say he doesn't help out much with the bills. If you would have told me at 25 I would be putting my faith into muffins I wouldn't believe you but here we are. Let's hope this Saturday is a lucky one, not that I believe in luck but maybe this Saturday will make me a believer.

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