My perfect Little timeline

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Henry was sitting in his bed seeing outside his window, his live was actually pretty good, he was a pardoned pal, was the jewel Baron, the toppat clan was almost extinct, he lived his life without more missions, and even some days he still get to meet with his friends Charles Calvin and Ellie Rose, His life was almost perfect no people to fight with, No more missions, No more crimes, Just him enjoying his life.

Henry was actually happy for this, finally after millions of FAILS, after millions of RANKS, and even better dealing with the timelines had no more changes, that was all, he don't have to repeat his adventures.

All this thinking of Henry was abruptly interrupted by something 

-brin bring-

Henry took the phone.

Charles: Sup dude, Hey Ellie and I are going to the arcade, want to hang out with us

Henry was about to talk when-

Charles: Well you don't have an option or I will be forced to reveal and use my perfect plan to bring you here JAJAJA.

That worlds bring bad memories to Henry.

Charles: Well see you there.

Henry knew Charles so he get some things and get in his always reliable scooter to get there.

After all this time he was happy.

Henry finally made it to the arcade where he was surprised with the amount of memories that he had with other games some painful like the time a Metroid killed him or the time he was RPGing.

However he met their friends in a Hockey table where Ellie was FULMINATING Charles.

Charles: Hey, Henry! Glad you could make it.

 Charles gave Henry a playful nudge, unfortunately this distraction was enough for Ellie to get another point hitting the final marker 40/1, Charles was stunned.

Charles: I was only getting warm up

Charles said doing a little stretching.

Ellie: Jajajaja, glad you make it here Henry it's been a while since we hung out like this.

Ellie added, smiling.

Charles: that's true, c'mon night is young let's try out other arcades

And that's how they passed their afternoon playing various arcade games, reminiscing about their past adventures, and sharing laughter. It was a welcome break from the quiet life Henry had embraced, a chance to relive the camaraderie that formed during their countless missions.

As they moved from game to game, Henry couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment. The adrenaline of the past was replaced by the joy of the present, and he found himself appreciating the ordinary moments. He even tried to win some prices with the hundred tickets they won, Winning the amazing price of... A KEYCHAIN!?!?


Charles: Wow that's just miserable.

Henry was insulted they just win that for all the hard work.

Ellie: Guys, I have an idea... Maybe we could

Charles: NO

Ellie didn't even manage to end her phrase when Charles interrupted her

Charles: none one of you are robbing that

Ellie: Ok ok geez...

Henry more than no one knew that old habits died hard so he calm down his friends and they all went to dinner in a near burger restaurant.

As the day turned into night, Henry rode his scooter back home, a genuine smile on his face. The unexpected call from Charles had brought a welcome change to his routine, a reminder that life, even in its ordinary moments, could be extraordinary when shared with friends.

Little did Henry know that their adventures were far from over, as a new challenge awaited them, one that would test their skills, emotions and pasts.

Hey everyone creator of the story here I promise in the next chapters the story will be A LOT MORE INTERESTING stay tuned  I'll be waiting.

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