right now

1 0 0

Yes I'm still hurting/healing
But now I feel something in between numb and overwhelmed.

I have so much homework, and yes I give myself time to do that work but yet I can not focus on that.

I vant do it untill right before its due...

I hate that I procrastination

It hurts me

It makes me feel like I'm so lazy and useless

Like I deserve everything bad.

Right now I had an essay I have to do by this weekend. Tried doing that but I really couldn't focus.

I have my room it's filled with clothes on the floor with a floor I haven't cleaned in a long while

My bed is broken and I haven't told my parents because I forgot and I just don't want to go through the process of taking my mattress and things off the frame.

I stay up late an I really shouldn't because I get up so early.

I get up late on top of that

I dont know why life right now is like this. I just- want it to be better.

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