The Hotel

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We come back to this story where we left off last time Y/n was looking up in the sky wondering where he was. Y/n looked back down to the street and started walking, all the while being pushed and shoved around by the many demons and sinners that where there. After a little bit of walking he started to feel thirsty so he stopped a passerby and asked him where to get a drink

Y/N- H- hello sir if I could have but a moment of your time

???- moment passed now beat it, bitch

Y/n- wait do- do you know where I could get a drink

???- convince store down the street on the left now STOP BOTHERING ME

Y/N- ok ok ok

Y/n said as he backed off, Y/n then started to walk down the street, he was thinking about his situation as he walked


' this place looks like my drawing, but it can't be my drawing, can it, I don't draw any convince stores but there's one here oh this is making my brain hurt'

While he was walking he bumped into someone.

Y/n- sorry- sorry dint mean to

???- na it's fine (Gasp)

The stranger gasped when he saw Y/n's face, Y/n could have sworn that he recognized the stranger, what with the white fur all over his body the feminine look of him and the fact that he has four arms.

Y/n- I am sorry but I must be on my way

Y/n starts to walk away the stranger regains his bearings and runs off somewhere.

Y/n finally arrives at the store and goes inside, he finds some snacks for ridiculous prices so like any good customer he complains, but complaining will get him no where so he just goes to the counter to pay for the goods

Cashier- 20 Mammon bucks

Y/n reaches into his pocked to pull out the few bills he had to try to get the cashier to take his earth money, but what he pulls out is 20 Mammon bucks, he has no idea how it happened but he's not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth. He pays for his snacks then walked out the door and sits down on the curb to eat them.

After filling his stomach with food and drink he got back up to try to find his way back to his world, but something got his attention, it was a little girl who was crying in an alleyway, being the good person he is he walked down there and tried to help the girl

Y/n walked next to her and kneeled down, she was a little hellhound girl with gray and black fur she, looked to be about ten or eleven, was wearing what a normal little girl would where

Y/N- hey are you ok . . . Where's your mom

???- (sniff) she. . . She said that she would be right back, but (sniff) that was a few hours ago.

Y/n- well I'll help you find her where do you live, what's your name

Dusk- Dusk my name is Dusk

The little hound smiled she wiped her tears and walked out holding Y/n's hand as they walked along the streets. After a little bit they both came to a dilapidated apartment building that was in bad shape the little hound then told witch apartment her and her mom lived in to Y/n. Once they got there Y/n knocked on the door before going in, there was nothing in it no chairs no furniture, nothing but a piece of paper in the middle. Y/n walked into the room and picked up the paper on it was a note.

To my Daughter Dusk

I'm sorry sweetie but there is no good way to tell you this I ran off with Uncle Moe he said that he didn't want you so I left you in an alley. Growing up in the streets will be good for you.

Sincerely you mother

Right now Y/n was thinking 'what an asshole' he looked back at Dusk before getting an idea ' I'll just ake her in' so he walked over to her and kneeled down and got ready to tell her the very sad news

Y/N- Dusk, I'm sorry but your. . . Your mother didn't want you here read this

Dusk took the note from him and after a few seconds started to cry her eyes out Y/n hugged her and rocked her

Y/N- it's alright Dusk, its alright. Look your mom may not have wanted you but I do I can be your dad, only if you want though

Dusk while still crying nodded her head yes. So with a smile Y/n hugged her more and just let her cry on his shoulder

After Dusk was done crying Y/n with Dusk walked back out to the Street, it was getting dark and everyone was starting to go home.

Dusk- do you have a house dad

Y/n- no I just got here today

Dusk- oh how did you die

Y/n- I'm not dead least I don't think so

Dusk- well this is hell so you kinda had to die to get here. . . Or the Queens brought you here.

Y/N- who are the Queens then

Dusk- Lucy and Lilith Mange

This brought a shock to Y/n there was no way that his drawings were real, it couldn't be, it's impossible

Dusk- d.. ad ... Dad

Y/N- hmmm oh sorry just . . Just thinking on where to spend the night

Dusk- I know a place, the Princess's Hotel

Y/n- the Princess's Hotel?

Dusk- Yeah I saw it on voxvision (television)

Y/n- are you sure they will let us stay for free cuz I got no money

Dusk- yeah all we have to do is work towards redemption

Y/n remembers describing Charlie's dream to redeem demons but he didn't remember any hotel or anything

Y/N- ok then do you remember where it is

Dusk- Yeah follow me

Dusk walks ahead of Y/n leading him to the hotel. And after about thirty minutes of walking he was at the front door of the place. He knocked on the door and waited, after a minute the door opened to reveal Charlie Mange just as Y/n drew her, he was stunned, she equally as stunned to see him here, she quickly slammed the door in his face

Dusk- well that was rude

Y/n looked over to Dusk

Y/N- very

He looked back to the door but before he could do anything the door opened and Charlie pulled him and Dusk in and quickly closed the door

Once inside Y/n looked around and saw a good portion of the characters he made Alastra was grinning wildly witch scared him a bit angel had his jaw dropped, husk had wide eyes and his drink was pouring out nifty was oblivious to his presence and kept cleaning

Y/N- uhhhhh hi

The end

That's the end as always feedback is appreciated and feel free to give me suggestions see you all next episode

The Creator ( Hazbin hotel harem x Male reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt