First Date

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I felt safe and warm, so I snuggled close enough to feel more and sighed in joy and contentment. "Morning, sweetheart," I purred, cuddled closer while his chest vibrated and fell back to sleep. "So you are giving me the silent treatment?" I heard chuckling.

"No, just sleeping," I mumble, inhaling his sweet scent of pinewood and ash. Cold fingertips caressed my exposed neck, down my shoulder, down my arm, causing sparks, and I purred with enjoyment.

"If you wanted me to touch you, just ask." He whispered into my ear, then nibbled on my earlobe, chilling my spine. Slowly, he moved down my jaw to the corner of my lips, down my chin, and then my neck. "I can't wait to mark you," he murmured while nibbling my neck and shoulder, where his mark will be one day, just not today.

I wanted to tell him to stop, but some of me wanted him to continue. I parted my lips instead of words. A moan escaped my lips, feeling a growl vibrating from the back of his throat as he roughly sucked that sweet spot which would one day hold his mark.

"Nat-Nat-han," I gasped out. "Please stop..." I breathed out, snapping my eyes open, but Nate continued sucking and kissing my shoulder and neck.

What if his wolf is taking control or they were fighting for power, forgetting I'm being attacked by kisses that are threatening to become a bite on the neck, forcing me into a total force of a mating bond?

Suddenly, the kissing stopped, and he glanced up into my eyes. "Are you okay? Did I hurt?" He asked, brushing his thumb on my cheeks, removing the tears I never knew were there. I shook my head, "what is it?"

"It's just that um..." I bite my lip, "I never sex." I whispered the last word and blushed, looking away. I felt nervous about this topic whenever it popped up in my mind.

I heard him chuckle as he leaned on his elbow, "You serious?" I nodded, biting down my lip, almost drawing blood. "So I'm your first?" A grin spread across his face.

"What?" I whispered.

"I can't believe that a beautiful lady like you has never been asked on a date," he kissed my head. "It's a splendid thing to know."

"How is it a splendid thing?" He leaned in and brushed kisses on my neck up to my ear.

"That means I'm your first love and the first and last with everything," he nibbled on my earlobe again. "I want you to take a shower," he ordered as he jumped out of bed and walked towards his closet.

"Why?" My eyebrows furrowed, pulling me up into a sitting position.

"Because you spend the entire day with me... your mate." He smiled as he stepped out, buttoning up his shirt, "Take your sexy virgin ass in the shower before I do." He winked, and a hot flash spread across my face as I tried to cover myself with the bed cover. I looked away, and I heard Nate chuckle, "I'll have someone bring you a dress for our date." Before I could protest, Nate left.

Oh, my goddess. I will have my first date with my mate... the Alpha King! I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs and dance all over this room. I've never been on a date, but from what I heard, or should I say, I eavesdropped and watched those romantic movies. Even for werewolves, we go on dates in our time.

Long ago, she-wolves would gracefully accept the mark from their mates without knowing them, but as time went on, so did our lives. But we still respect tradition to this day, but mostly the Elders.

'Hey! Stop daydreaming and get your ass in that shower so we can spend some excellent quality time with our mate!' Sandy growled furiously, shifting in my head. I laughed as I walked into the bathroom.

I wonder when I'll shift into my wolf's form because I have my wolf's spirit but not her form. I wish I had asked the goddess/mom what was wrong. I realized I had taken a long shower, so I quickly dried myself and walked out of the bathroom. I gasped at the sight of many dresses and shoes out on display all over the room.

"Oh, good, you finished!" Kelly cheered, jumping out of the busy crowd of women in uniform, moving dresses, shoes and other stuff around.

"What is all this?" I asked in shock, glancing around in awe and amazement.

"Oh, this is nothing... now come, come, we need to get you ready for your date with Nathan, the Alpha King, my brother," she sang as she pulled me onto a stool. "Sit back and relax," she ordered.

I hope this won't turn out to be a musical fairytale story, I thought to myself.


"Wow," I gasped, staring at myself through the full-length mirror. It was slightly tilted to see me perfectly.

"Yeah, my handy work," Kelly said, grinning as I rolled my eyes, remembering her yelling at everyone about what to do or not to do on me as she texted her phone. I was tired of sitting for the entire day.

My smoky eyes showed my electric blue eyes, glossy red lipstick stood out, and my greyish hair was curled up to my shoulders. They dressed me in a white heart-shaped that hugged my body from the top to the bottom, and on both sides of the dress, there was a slit showing the open heels I wore.

"Come on, you are going to be late," she said, grabbing my hand and pulling out of the room. I'm trying my best to catch up because I had heels on.

"Are you taking me to Nate?" I asked as we walked downstairs, following her to the back where Nate stood, handsome as ever, wearing a black tux. "Now this my cue to leave and enjoy," Kelly whispered into my ear and winked.

I blushed, walking towards Nate; he stretched out his hand. I placed my hand on him, and sparks flowed through my arm.

"I hope you love nature," he said, guiding me to a garden path.

"What werewolf would I be if I didn't like nature?" I said, even though I haven't shifted yet.

He chuckled under his breath, "a one of a kind." He murmured, leaning forward and planting a kiss on my cheek. We walked into a forest, still following the path.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Patience," he chuckled as we turned. I gasped at the beautiful sight.

The river was still crystal blue, like the top, with a dark shade on the edge downward. Flower petals surrounded the edge of the river, and there was a small table and chairs near the river; on top of the table, there was a candle in the middle of red roses that surrounded it like a bush. Then, there were two tall glasses with water and wine glasses.

"Oh my goddess," I gasped. No one has ever done this for me, to make time to do a romantic view just for me. Well, this was my first date.

"Do you like?" Nate pulled me out of my train of thought. He stood a few inches away from me.

"Like?" I shook my head 'no', which brought confusion to Nate. I grinned from ear to ear and placed my palm on his face, "I love it. It's the nicest thing I've seen in my life." I whispered, staring into his forest-green eyes.

He slips his arm around my waist, pulling me close to his stone-hard chest. "Good, because I want your first date to be a night you'll never forget," he grinned, leaning into me. I could feel his lips brush against mine. "I know we've just met, and we're mates, but just know this... I'm falling in love with you," I gasped at his words.

He was falling in love with me, but we just met, and was this how mates feel for each other? From what I've seen and heard, I knew I needed to know the feeling, and now I'm witnessing it firsthand. Slowly, we leaned forward, and my heart pounded against my chest. This was my first date with my mate, the Alpha King, Nathan Crescent. As my heart pounded, out-of-control Nate placed his lips against mine, making my heart beat gently again as sparks of fireworks flew everywhere.

Nate pulled away, making me release a whimper; he chuckled, "I would love to continue, but I won't have control over myself when things get hot." He caressed my cheek with a finger, "I don't want to rush. I want to take things slow until you ready."

I sighed happily, "I won't mind." I muttered, pulling him close to my lips. He chuckled as he planted his lips against mine again, and all I could think about was this kiss never end. "Thank you."

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