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7th August 1975

Third Person POV

Liz's screams shot through the house, and Sirius's cries to his mother to stop went unheard. Regulus was told to stay in his room, but that didn't stop him from hearing the screams of his beloved sister. He sat on his bed and cried, wanting to stop their cruel, cruel mother, but he knew he would make things worse by leaving his room.

"Mother, please!" Liz sobbed on the floor, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Liz then let out another scream as mother struck her with the the cruciatus curse once again. She soon stopped, and glided out of the room, not giving a care in the world for her daughter. Sirius rushed towards her, scooping her into his lap and stroking her hair.

"You'll be okay, you'll be okay." He sobbed, he couldn't tell whether he was trying to convice her or himself, "Just try and stay awake alright? Can you do that for me?"

She nodded weakly, trying to keep her eyes open, but struggling. He stood up, carrying her bridal style. He went to the fireplace and was about to floo to the Potters place, but Regulus rushed in. He ran over to his sister.
He saw her limp body and tears slipped once more.

"I'm taking her somewhere safe, alright? Stay here. Go to your room. Shut the door. You know nothing. Got it?" Sirius told him protectivley. Regulus nodded, placing a kiss on Liz's head, then rushing out to his room. 

"Potter Manor!"

James POV:

I sit on of the many lounges near the fireplace, reading a quidditch magazine. Suddenly the fireplace lit up and I saw Sirius carrying someone, wait a minute - is that...

"LIZ!" I jump up and run to Sirius, who looks very distressed.

"My mum, she - she - I -"

"I know, I know." I reassure him shakily, "MUM!" I call, hoping she'll be of some help.

"What is it honey?" She strides into the room, then her eyes settle on Liz, "Oh my, what happend? Here, lay her on the lounge." She ushered Sirius to the lounge.

"Their mum, she's really, uh -"

"Come with me James, I'll be right back Sirius." We leave Sirius kneeling next to the lounge, holding Liz's hand in both of his looking at her in terror.

"She's really what, James?" Mum asks me as she rushes about trying to find things to help.

"A-abusive." I stutter a bit, Sirius doesn't like others knowing, "I know she t-tortures Sirius, I think this is the first time she's done it to Li-Liz."

"Alright..." She's trying to act calm, but I know this news has definitley shaken her up. 

She gathered her things and sped back towards where Liz was. She grabbed a potion and poured it into her mouth. She then pulls out her wand and says, "Vulnera Sanentur," Mum sighed then turned to us, "She'll need rest. Sirius, are you hurt at all?"

"Uh, no, not really." He says from his sisters side.

"Okay, good, is it okay if I talk to you about what happened?" He nods, tears in his eyes, "James can you keep an eye on her please? If anything happens, we'll be in the office."

"You got it, mum."

She leaves with Sirius, and I sit with Liz. Playing with her hair, holding her hand, reading my magazine a bit, but mostly just holding her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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