The county road walker

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I did oober good on this so I thought I'd share this with Wattpad so they could see my creative genius.



It slowly shuffled along the dark road, bare feet scraping against the pavement. Its shadowy figure was cloaked by the sweet lie of night. It continued on under the deep dark sky until it found a curious dwelling.

Fresh meat...

Noven Os was sitting behind the counter at a mostly dormant gas station. The only thing indicating the gas station was even open was the red Open sign that flickered dimly on one of the front windows, and Novens existants.

At this very moment, he was tossing potato chips in his mouth as the headphones on his head blasted music into his ears. The tag of his lime green work shirt was scraping the back of his neck. He wanted to throw away the eyesore of a shirt the first time he laid his eyes on the thing, but he didn't feel like getting on his boss's bad side..Well... More than he already was.

He was working the night shift at the dingy old gas station because his parents wanted him to "get out of the house" and "find something better to do with his time Because sitting on your phone is no way to spend your summer, young man."

He was doing a "real job" but this wasn't much different from what he was doing at home.

As he was sitting and scrolling on his phone the door opened with a little ring. He looked up from his phone to see a lady. She was tall with bright red hair that rested artfully on her shoulders. Her skin was pale like the moon with freckles and beauty marks splattering her face, arms, and shoulders. Her slim figure was wrapped in a nice red and white dotted sundress. It was an odd choice of outfit because it was the dead of night and probably about to storm judging from the dark clouds covering the moon like a blanket. She was gorgeous but a little older than himself. She was probably late 20s or early 30s. It didn't matter.

He set his phone down as the lady walked over to the front counter. She smiled at him, not quite reaching her eyes.

"Hello, how can I help you tonight?" He asked, he didn't care enough to smile at her but was still polite.. Mostly, anyway.

"Yes, can you make this a whole fifty for me?" She asked, her voice was as smooth as silk and clear as fresh water. She slid him two twenties and a ten.

He nods and takes the two twenties and ten. He opens the cash register and slides the money into the slots. He took out a fifty from a different slot and handed it to her. The whole time she stared at him, not blinking once.

She took it from him gingerly. Her other hand was resting on the cool counter. She tapped her semi-long red painted nails on the counter in a rhythmic way.

"Will that be all?" Noven asked, looking bored but with a slight hint of unease as she continued to stare at him like a lizard.

"Yes, yes, have a swell night~" She hummed as she walked out of the gas station, the bell of the door ringing after her.

After the lady left Noven's sight, he picked back up his phone and started scrolling again.

At around 3:00 AM in the morning, he started to feel the strong pull of sleep. His boss's words rang in his ears saying "I swear to GOD if you fall asleep and something happens while your on the job im going to have your head on a stick, ya hear me?"

That was enough of a motivator to push himself out of his chair and shuffle over to one of the many coolers. With a creak of the door, he pulled out an energy drink, it was green with a black lightning bolt on the side. He popped it open and brought it to his lips, slurping down the contents.

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