Chapter Four

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As the sun peaked over the horizon; dragging along a new day, it found him sitting by the lake, his feet dipped into the clear water as a flat rock gave rest for his back. Jaejoong had come here last night; knowing the way even in darkness. Had come to try and sort out the tangled mess that his feelings had become.

But all he could think about, was the warm tingling sensation in his lips; one that just refused to go away...

"Kim Jaejoong, what is wrong with you?" his mind now began scolding. "Here you are, acting like some love-sick fool just because one man wants to spend time in your company and shows you a bit of kindness. Besides, someone as handsome and warm-hearted as Yunho must surely be spoken for already..." As far as he knew, Yunho could have a betroth at home; some pretty girl, waiting anxiously for his return.

The mere thought had Jaejoong's heart clench painfully, and he blew out his cheeks before slapping them hard with his palms. Then thrust his fist against the water-surface in a pure act of frustration. Now why did he forget his sword? He was REALLY in the mood for cutting something right now...

In the end he settled for throwing some sharp stones he found lying on the ground, and watched them skip across the water before each one inevitably pummelled to the bottom. With each throw he shouted out; using his voice as an outlet; and feeling his soul grow ever lighter as the time went by.

And it wasn't until the sun came down low; covering for his eyes that he realised how late in the day it was. "I better go back," he thought, getting to his feet. "I wonder if Yunho had breakfast yet. I should probably bring back something."

Those were the thoughts filling his mind as a sound reached his ears; the sound of someone approaching. And thinking it was Yunho, a sweet smile was born on his lips. A smile that died just as quickly though, when he turned, and did not find the one, he wished to see the most...

Yunho did not think much of it when he woke in the cave alone. (After the best night of sleep he'd had in years.) After all, it wouldn't be the first time, Jaejoong had left to greet the sunrise and had gone to the lake for an early swim. The mental image those thoughts provided had him smiling silly, and suddenly he wished to see the other more than anything. "Come back soon, Jaejoongie..." he whispered out loud; hand lightly touching the soft furs as he walked passed Jaejoong's bed. "Hurry and come back to me."

But as time went by, his patience went with it. And when he nearly stumbled over Jaejoong's sword; laying forgotten on the floor, Yunho decided that he had had more than enough of waiting. "It's not like I'm going there to peak on him," he told himself as he grabbed the weapon and nearly ran out the cave. "But no man should be without his sword for too long. He'll be vulnerable without it." The thought made him frown and his legs sped up; wanting to hurry; to get to Jaejoong as fast as he could.

The soft crunching sound beneath his feet as the ground turned from soft soil to stones and rocks told him that he was getting closer to the lake. But it was also what made him stop suddenly; starring intensely at the ground. At first he thought his eyes might be deceiving him, but as he reached down, realised that what he saw was really there... A small, white flower; its stem broken and most of its petals missing. A flower out of place on the stony surface; meant to grow in a beautiful clearing much further away.

Yunho held it gently in his palm, then brought it to his chest in a clenched fist. Feeling as his heart trembled with worry. His mind having room for only a single thought:


The skin of Jaejoong's wrists burned as the rope tying them together was pulled harshly; jerking him forward. The sudden movement making him stumble slightly, and he just barely managed to keep his footing. Hair; now a tangled mess fell to cover almost half of his face, and so he heard more than saw when that hated voice spoke to him.

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