Colorful Visitors

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After the events of book 15...

     Sea Lion was reading one of turtle's diary entries in the dining hall as any good brother would do the day before your birthday. Suddenly a guard came up to him,

   "Prince Sea Lion, there are guests at the ruins of the Summer Palace, or they say they're guests." He started " I don't believe them, they were asking for Prince Turtle and Princess Anemone. Queen Coral told me to find you or one of your brothers to inspect them since you are all very close."

   "Umm... Ok, I guess I could investigate the situation"

   "Thank you, Prince Sea Lion"

     Once Sea Lion had put back Turtle's diary he went to see those guests. As he approched the shore he saw two dragons, one with bright yellow and pink scales and another with calm blue and sunny yellow scales.

   "Hi! I'm Kinkajou, do you know where Turtle is? That guard guy said he would get him and Anemone to meet us here," said the brighly colored rainwing,

   "Kinkajou, maybe we shouldn't ask every seawing we see about Turtle and Anemone" said the other rainwing, who Sea Lion now noticed was blind,

   "Wait, you're Kinkajou?" he asked, now recalling the numerous times when Turtle had murmured her name in his sleep,


   "Oh! You're the friends Turtle and Anemone said would be staying over at the Summer Palace ruins for Turtle's birthday. I'll go get them."

   Sea Lion flew to go and find his brother and sister. Turtle was probably in the library and Anemone was probably in her room.

     Sea Lion flew back to the two rainwings with Anemone and Turtle. When Sea Lion had told them about their visitors they both reacted with their faces lighting up then going back to normal, Anemone probably didn't want anyone to think she cared, while Turtle didn't want his brothers to have something to blackmail him with. Personally, I would never blackmail my brother with information of who he likes.

   "TURTLE!" Kinkajou screamed as she jump-hugged him.

   "H-hi Kinkajou," my little brother said, looking flustered while staring at the pink and yellow rainwing.

   "Hello Tamarin," Anemone said, greeting the blue and yellow rainwing with a smile, which is something she rarely does,

   Suddenly Sea Lion saw a flash of orange in the sky he looked up to see Sunset circling above them signaling Sea Lion to meet her at their spot, I wonder what happened, Sea Lion thought as he told the others that he had to go and flew over to his girlfriend.

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