2 two birds

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Evans POV

The bell goes off and after leaving the school I immediately drop off the padded backpack and stretch my long brown wings.

Ive decided a long time ago I was in need for a preening (noting how messy the padded back pack made my feathers) But I've never had time for it, and never had anyone to help me out.

Before leaving out of the corner of my eye I spot another pair of wings, black, maybe a really dark brown, with white tips backing ish to the feathers.

Was there another harpie at the school?
I thought before moments after said person appears in front of me.

"Hey! Names Levi! What about you?"

He said with a wide grin, kinda welcoming.

"Hey, Levi?"

I say kinda off put by him in a way

He nods for a minute before saying "what breed are you?" As he partly reached out for my wings but stopped, he had the same curiosity of a elementary school kid asking something they shouldn't.

"Uhm" I party step back and fold my wings neatly on my back "I'm a killdeer" I say, I'm lucky in that sense, there's other part birds with more... predatory birds...

Levi stopped for a moment and didn't say anything for long enough it got awkward.

Trying to break the silence I say, "what about you?" I kinda gesture to his wings but make jokes move to touch them.

He stopped and looked at me for awhile
Did I make a mistake? Did he have a bad bird breed and didn't want to tell a random person it?
I don't really understand the whole 'stay away from part predators their dangerous' deal, their only part predator, that wouldn't effect them directly???

He quickly pulled out his phone after the quiet, picking it up and putting it to his ear, I quickly realize that it's off after he does a lot of 'mhm' 'yeah yeah' 'okay' before stating 'I'll be there soon' and putting his phone back in their pocket. "Sorry I have to go, nice meeting you Evan!"

He quickly stretched his wings and took off somewhere far into the city.

After he leaves I think for a minute

Did I tell him my name?


HAIII SORRY ANOTHER SHORT ONE, it's late rn and I'm sleepy and had ideas and need them on paper (not rlly paper huh)





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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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