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Hello there! Zoms will be my first English book. If there are any mistakes, I apologize for that. So... Let's get started!

Space equals Uzay in Turkish. But Uzay is a proper noun here!


    We had started a boring semester, and we were back to our boring desks again in the school year. Fortunately, this year was my last year. And there was only one year left to get rid of this boring educational life. And in that one year everything would change and everything would be beautiful.

Was it really so....

     I woke up two hours before school started. I looked at the clock on the screen in amazement. "What, 11:00?!" I screamed. I jumped out of bed in a hurry. I ran to the bathroom and washed my face. When I looked in the mirror, my hair was flying in the air. I looked like a witch. I forcefully combed my messy hair. I puffed and puffed my way back to my room.
"Anka! You haven't left yet?!" my mother yelled from downstairs. By the sound of her voice, she was angry that I was late, as any Turkish mother would be.

      My mother's anger made me hurry even more. I carelessly threw the necessary items into my bag. I was wearing a comfortable black tracksuit, a loose black sweatshirt and I couldn't put my hair up because I was in a hurry. I descended the stairs quickly and my footsteps were making noise. I headed for the exit door, but my mom stopped me.
"Daughter, stop!" she said, running into the kitchen.

"Mom, I'm so late and it's the first day of school!" I said, groaning with regret.
My mom came back with a container. "Take these with you, you'll get ripped off after the latest hikes!"

"Mom..." I laughed. "Anyway, I'm off, see you mom!" I waved at her and she waved back at me from the exit door.

     I had been late for the first day of school three years in a row and now the teacher could give me a medal in front of everyone for this achievement. The fact that I was always late for the same teacher's class was another achievement.

      I hesitantly walked into the classroom and when I entered, the teacher and all the other students were looking at me. And the same teacher again! Were we surprised? A big no! The young teacher looked at me. As if to say why did you come? He got up from his chair, leaned his body against the desk. "And again, like every year, Anka." said the young teacher.

"I apologize for being late, teacher..." I said, looking sad.

"We are used to it. Go to your desk." he said sternly. I sat quietly in my seat.

     After a long lesson, it was finally recess. I sat on the benches under the big trees in the garden and Uzay came to me. I was so happy to see him. He made up for my bad mood with his energetic arrival. He came and sat next to me. He put his arm around my shoulder and then pulled me to him.
"Hello my little Anka," he said with a loving look.

"Hello, Uzay..." but my voice didn't sound as lively and energetic as his. He looked at me, skeptical.

"What's wrong with my little Anka?" he said, holding my chin gently.

"I was late again on the first day of school and Göktuğ teacher scolded me again. I'm tired of getting scolded by him all the time, I guess that's why my morale is low." I said, pulling my eyes down.

"He's such a creep. I still don't understand how all the girls like him." he said sarcastically. "So there's someone like me here?" he said jokingly, laughing.

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